Which breed of dog is the best for people who are allergic to dogs?

I'm allergic to pet hair - it makes me sneeze, cough, wheeze, and sometimes my mouth swells up (for some strange reason!). But I'd love a pet dog. I've heard that poodles are good for allergy sufferers, but are there any other breeds that are good for…

    Which breed of dog is the best for people who are allergic to dogs?

    I'm allergic to pet hair - it makes me sneeze, cough, wheeze, and sometimes my mouth swells up (for some strange reason!). But I'd love a pet dog. I've heard that poodles are good for allergy sufferers, but are there any other breeds that are good for…...
    General Dog Discussions : Which breed of dog is the best for people who are allergic to dogs?...

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    • Some people can tolerate certain breeds more than others, but the only way to tell is to spend a great deal of time with a dog. There is no such thing as a "hypo-allergenic" dog.Here is the AKC list of dog breeds that seem to be best for people with allergies:http://www.akc.org/about/faq_allergies.cfm?SEARCH_BUTTON.X=11\&SEARCH_BUTTON.Y=11 If your mouth swells around dogs, please consult an allergist before bringing any dog into your home because a severe allergic reaction can be life-threatening. An allergist can test you and see how serious your reaction is to a variety of things and make recommendations. I have never heard of someone being severely allergic to dogs, but you need to make sure.Severe allergic reactions are terrifying. You are suffocating and cannot get air into your lungs no matter what you do. Your whole body starts to thrash and you panic like you have never panicked before. Please be checked before you bring a pet home.

    • poodles...samyoeds..shihtzu..all are none moulting breeds and have different hair to other breeds the short coated breeds are bad for asthmatics...as the texture of the hair is different....

    • Honestly, for serious allergy sufferers, a dog is a dog. I have been helping a friend research this very subject for the last few months. Her ten year old son has asthma and a lot of allergies, but wants a dog. We have gone to libraires, veterinarians, breeders, groomers, and more for opinions both professional and personal.In my experience, I have allergies to dogs, cats, horses, hay, dust, etc. I have two dogs, two cats, and I spend many many hours at the barn riding horses. Your body will adjust after a while. I used to work at a vet and the first month was torture for me. After that it was only certain animals that set off my allergies.I have been told many times that my risk for emphezema as well as asthma are increased due to the fact that I surround myself with things I'm allergic to, but it wasn't a physician that told me so I take it in stride.

    • There is no breed of dog not even a Poodle or Chihuahua that will not trigger sneezes, rashes or asthmatic reactions. Allergic reactions can vary from dog to dog according to Jonathan Corren Clinical Professor of medicine and Director of the Allergy Research Foundation at the University of California.It is the Dander and top skin and certain proteins in saliva and urine that cause people allergic problems . Any dog that urinates or licks has the potential to be an allergic-type breed. There are things you can do to help reduce the allergens, washing the dog once a week and heavy cleaning of walls and carpets once a month. And lots of pills.

    • Poodles are the best and poodle crosses often are good for allergy sufferers too. Lots of people look for alternatives to poodles because they don't realise the choice they have - poodles come in standard, miniture and toy sizes and in many different colours. They are usually clipped evenly all over so they look like normal dogs instead of silly powderpuffs! In fact, poodles are highly intelligent and sport dogs. A great pet.

    • Regarding this answer:'There's **********NO SUCH THING********** as "hypo-allergenic" dogs!!!NONE!!! Poodles *&* MUTT/MONGRELS INCLUDED!'Nice of you to be so understanding and trying to help the person asking the question and not ridiculing them in anyway whatsoever.

    • hi, i have chihuahuas they dont effect me, i react to big dogs, but i think because they are small i am ok, find a breeder or someone local who has a chihuahua (or other breed) and test your allergy before you buy a pup/dog. I have been told that boxer s are also good. Good luck.

    • get a non moulting terrier such as a yorkie.Thier coats can grow very long without shedding a single hair.If you still suffer with symptoms around a non moulting dog(it can still happen )then maybe your allergy is too severe to have a dog at all.Good luck.

    • I have this problem currently myself Poodles I have heard are the best but I have a beautiful cocker spaniel that I only get allergicto when his hair gets to a certain length so.................when this happens i take him for a haircut.

    • my brother is so allergic to dogs we found a dog called the american hairless terrier they have no hair and they dont affect your allergies their really good to have because their really easy to take care of the only thing is on sunny days you have to put sun screen on them they are very obediant and every one who has seen my dogs has loved them