My housebroken dog has lost some bladder control 3 weeks after he got neutered?

He healed nicely after the surgery, he is five years old and we thought he was neutered, but they had to go into his abdomen and look for his other testicle. He pees more and has had accidents for the first time ever. Does anyone know why?

    My housebroken dog has lost some bladder control 3 weeks after he got neutered?

    He healed nicely after the surgery, he is five years old and we thought he was neutered, but they had to go into his abdomen and look for his other testicle. He pees more and has had accidents for the first time ever. Does anyone know why?...
    General Dog Discussions : My housebroken dog has lost some bladder control 3 weeks after he got neutered?...

    • My housebroken dog has lost some bladder control 3 weeks after he got neutered?

      My housebroken dog has lost some bladder control 3 weeks after he got neutered? General Dog Discussions
      He healed nicely after the surgery, he is five years old and we thought he was neutered, but they had to go into his abdomen and look for his other testicle. He pees more and has had accidents for the first time ever. Does anyone know why?

      My housebroken dog has lost some bladder control 3 weeks after he got neutered?

      My housebroken dog has lost some bladder control 3 weeks after he got neutered? General Dog Discussions
    • This is very unusual, so you might want to see the vet. The only reason I can think of, is if they get excited the pee everywhere. Maybe he is in pain and can't wait to go outside, so he has to go inside. But yes, I would recommend seeing the vet.

    • My cat is 16 and troughs up everywhere now and 2 years ago he never though up it is just their bodies getting old and not being able to control their bladders