Am I responsible for vet bills incurred as a result of post operative complications?

my golden retriever went into the vet to have surgery on his ear - the outer hear had become swollen. It had to be opened, drained and sutured. A week or two after the surgery the same ear showed signs of having this same problem. Is this the…

    Am I responsible for vet bills incurred as a result of post operative complications?

    my golden retriever went into the vet to have surgery on his ear - the outer hear had become swollen. It had to be opened, drained and sutured. A week or two after the surgery the same ear showed signs of having this same problem. Is this the…...
    General Dog Discussions : Am I responsible for vet bills incurred as a result of post operative complications?...

    • Am I responsible for vet bills incurred as a result of post operative complications?

      Am I responsible for vet bills incurred as a result of post operative complications? General Dog Discussions
      my golden retriever went into the vet to have surgery on his ear - the outer hear had become swollen. It had to be opened, drained and sutured. A week or two after the surgery the same ear showed signs of having this same problem. Is this the responsibility of the vet or do i have to pay for this follow up surgery?

      Am I responsible for vet bills incurred as a result of post operative complications?

      Am I responsible for vet bills incurred as a result of post operative complications? General Dog Discussions
    • Thats a tricky one. Its not like getting a car fixed. Did they tell you swelling was likely to re-occur? And if they did, then they should have supplied some medication to help combat this (assuming there is one). I think you might be liable to pay them, but demand a good reason and clarify the odds for further swelling and consequent bills.

    • At a week or 2 after the surgery for a hemotoma repair of the ear the cause was not likely from the surgery being done improperly (it would have refilled much sooner in that case) but from the dog creating the injury again (they are generally the result of excessive scratching or head shaking, both of which are not uncommon if the site begins to itch while healing) so you would be responsible for any additional surgery

    • Wow, this is a hard one to answer. My answer would be yes, it's your responsibility to pay. Nothing in medicine/surgery is guaranteed. When you have any kind of surgical procedure done, the vet. hospital has you sign a form stating permission, risks involved, etc. I don't think there is one surgery that is 100% guaranteed that everything will come out okay and no after effects, what have you. And they usually always give you just an "estimate". The case being something may incur during the procedure. The same thing if your pet was to pass away during the procedure from the anesthesia, heart failure, blood loss . . . they can't just shrug it off and say here's another pet. I think when your pet undergoes any type of surgery, there is always a risk(s) of some sort involved. On the flip side, if you feel the surgery was botched, there is always a malpractice suit. Pets are just like humans, they can get any sickness or disease. They just can't verbally tell you where it hurts or what doesn't feel good.And unfortunately you never hear the vet say "it's on us". I know I have put a few "wings" on the hospital, furnished the waiting area, and sent the doctors on a few all expenses paid vacation!!!Hope your goldie is doing better.

    • It is definitely your responsibility. But maybe your vet will work out a payment plan for you. Especially since "hematomas" are known to re-occur and are a real b*tch to heal.Sorry your friend is hurting. Hope he feels better soon.