How should a dog lay with a spinal injury?

I asked a question earlier about my dog's condition;_ylt=AnPhV2h.uUgeTdyzrux1YPnB_Nw4;_ylv=3?qid=20130306080813AAwudNSWe can't stand seeing him in pain. But now I'm wondering how we should have him lay and how we…

    How should a dog lay with a spinal injury?

    I asked a question earlier about my dog's condition;_ylt=AnPhV2h.uUgeTdyzrux1YPnB_Nw4;_ylv=3?qid=20130306080813AAwudNSWe can't stand seeing him in pain. But now I'm wondering how we should have him lay and how we…...
    General Dog Discussions : How should a dog lay with a spinal injury?...

    • How should a dog lay with a spinal injury?

      How should a dog lay with a spinal injury? General Dog Discussions
      I asked a question earlier about my dog's condition;_ylt=AnPhV2h.uUgeTdyzrux1YPnB_Nw4;_ylv=3?qid=20130306080813AAwudNSWe can't stand seeing him in pain. But now I'm wondering how we should have him lay and how we should pick him up. A few days ago he incurred a spinal injury and the vet said his spinal disk was inflamed. A pinched nerve has made him immobile and it's hard for him to use the bathroom. I've continued as much research as I could. The only time he cries out in pain is when he uses the bathroom and when we pick him up to change his diaper or clean him, etc. Here is a picture of how we have him right now.'ve tried having him everywhere. When he first came home we put him in his regular bed which is a really big pet bed. He didn't scream out while he just laid down but he tried to move around to get comfortable. We changed it to a smaller doggy bed to get his back straight as possible and he tried to move less. Then we moved him to the couch and it also helped. Now we have him on the recliner like in the pictures and he was able to sleep comfortably for a couple hours before the pain of using the bathroom woke him up. When we pick him up to we try to grab in a way that doesn't hurt him but he really hates being moved. But at the same time he tries to move himself but he isn't strong enough. We've found a few positions to hold him in to make him stop screaming. He likes being held up and leaning forward. I just want to know how to pick him up and put him in that position so that it won't hurt him at all. Or if there's a way he should be laying to help his condition.We bought a doggy wheelchair so he can walk around the house it will arrive tomorrow. I'm wondering too if that will help his back heal properly or if it will at least get rid of the pain. Or is there some cast to help his back? I haven't been able to find anyt

      How should a dog lay with a spinal injury?

      How should a dog lay with a spinal injury? General Dog Discussions
    • My dog had a spinal injury when he was 2. He was paralyzed from the waist down for 3 weeks until the inflammation and swelling went down. He wanted to lay on his stomach. I picked him up gently by holding his hind quarters close to my body supporting is back so that it didn't cause him too much pain. The vet should have given you some steroids and pain medication for him. I would let your dog decide the position that he wants to lay in. Only he knows which position will be less painful for him.When you get that doggie wheelchair, send it back. That will only put more pressure on his back and will cause him more pain. He needs to be kept perfectly still and only moved when he has to go potty. If your vet didn't give you these meds. Call him first thing in the morning. Tramadol is wonderful for pain and steroids are very important right now. Don't try and put him into one of those doggie wheel chairs. Those are for dogs that are permanently paralyzed. Not for injuries. You will probably make it worse by putting him in that. Give him time to heal. It took my dog weeks. It's not a quick fix. If your vet did not give you pain pills, you may give him one 81mg low dose aspirin or one baby aspirin once every 12 hours. No other human med is safe for your dogs pain. Tylenol etc. causes liver damage. Try not to move him unless absolutely necessary. Don't put him up on furniture because he may just decide to jump down or fall over and injure himself even worse.

    • I totally agree with H and just wanted to comment. You should try to avoid moving him as much as possible. I wonder if a puppy pee pad or hospital pad under him would better under him. You can remove it and if he needs cleaned, you can help him. It is only temp. Most people I know that have their dog go through this ,cage them so they don't try to run around or jump to irritate them more.