Would getting a dog be fair on my other pets?

Currently we own 2 rabbits, 4 guinea pigs and 2 cats. The dog would be supervised in the garden, ie when around the rabbits/ guinea pigs, and would be kept seperate from the cats at night. Also I would get a pretty relaxed dog that has lived with cats…

    Would getting a dog be fair on my other pets?

    Currently we own 2 rabbits, 4 guinea pigs and 2 cats. The dog would be supervised in the garden, ie when around the rabbits/ guinea pigs, and would be kept seperate from the cats at night. Also I would get a pretty relaxed dog that has lived with cats…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would getting a dog be fair on my other pets?...

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    • Would getting a dog be fair on my other pets?

      Would getting a dog be fair on my other pets? General Dog Discussions
      Currently we own 2 rabbits, 4 guinea pigs and 2 cats. The dog would be supervised in the garden, ie when around the rabbits/ guinea pigs, and would be kept seperate from the cats at night. Also I would get a pretty relaxed dog that has lived with cats before.

      Would getting a dog be fair on my other pets?

      Would getting a dog be fair on my other pets? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs are the most tolerant of animals. Both of my dogs love cats, though one would dearly love to have a word with "Mr. Squirrel". If you get a young dog and train him, he -- and the other animals -- should do fine.

    • Your bunnies must love living in the garden! That's so cool.My sister has a bunny and he loves my beagle. He'll go up to my dog and nudge him to try to get attention. Anyway, it sounds like you're being pretty responsible about it and not just getting any random dog. I think your other pets will be fine, and they might end up liking the dog, esp if the dog has lived with cats.

    • its not bad as long as you divide your attention to them. animals are emotional you know. and make sure to make it comfortable with your cat.. we have 13 dogs, a bird and 2 cats.. when we got a new dog we separated it for a few days and introduced it to the others.. they smelled it. and when they seem to dislike it, i pick it up and try again the next day.. i tell you the others will get used to it somehow..

    • I have a lot of pets and we got a calm border collie. she's a smart dog and doesn't mess with the other animals. you just have to make sure that when you have a lot of pets that you pay attention to them all, if you don't they tend to get in trouble.

    • I would say if you want to do it.Slowly introduce the animals to one another. With the cats I would say keep the dog and cats away from each other by the way of a door. The good thing with that is the animals can both be able to see one another but no be able to physically harm one another. With the rabbits and guinea pigs it would be best to just keep a dog away from them since in the past dogs were trained to hunt those types of animals.

    • you should get a puppy. I have an english bulldog that we brought home as a puppy and our 4 cats had to get use to her and there weren't any problems, if you bring in an older dog then you will have problems.

    • get a shelter dog, save a life, get a smaller dog.they usually get along with all the other critters. We had gerbils,rabbit,dogs and cats,If a gerbil escaped, it usually ended in tragedy, cat got one, dog got another,but you cannot blame them for following their instincts. Guinea pigs can pretty much hold their own tho, if animals are socialized for awhile.

    • What is the situation for the dog? Are you thinking of accepting this dog because s/he is in a bleak situation?If you just want a dog to have a dog, I'd say hold off for a few years. After your other pets pass on.Now, if the dog needs to be rescued and you feel like he wouldn't eat your other animals and it wouldn't drive your animals crazy, then why not?Just make sure your other animals have a safe place to sleep where no other animal will harass them.