Would getting a dog be fair on my other pets?

Currently we own 2 rabbits, 4 guinea pigs and 2 cats. The dog would be supervised in the garden, ie when around the rabbits/ guinea pigs, and would be kept seperate from the cats at night. Also I would get a pretty relaxed dog that has lived with cats…

    Would getting a dog be fair on my other pets?

    Currently we own 2 rabbits, 4 guinea pigs and 2 cats. The dog would be supervised in the garden, ie when around the rabbits/ guinea pigs, and would be kept seperate from the cats at night. Also I would get a pretty relaxed dog that has lived with cats…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would getting a dog be fair on my other pets?...

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    • i would suggest getting a golden or a great Dane they are really gentle dogs also i have a rabbit but i had a golden[molly] first and when i brought the rabbit home she was more curios then anything lol she gave me looks like "what the heck is this thing" but she doesn't even care anymore i can have the rabbit hopping around and she will be sleeping on the floor. in fact they are doing this right now!so ya if you want to get a dog stay away from the terriers and tiny dogs like chihuahuas [they tend to think their big bad tough dogs and will go after your pets]go for dogs such as goldens,labs,great Danes, any dogs that have a good reputation for being gentle.

    • I think it is a great idea - its someone to cuddle up too lol !i have a german shepherd and used to have a rabbit and guinea pig - sadly both passed away :( the dog was fine around them but was still supervised at all times . you could go to the shelter and the people should help you pick a perfect dog or you could get a calm puppy and train it from being young this way it could learn to be around your other pets . hope i help ! good luck .

    • If done right, you can actually get your dog to be friends with all your other pets! My cat and my dog were best friends!A dog training video I once had said that the dog must be kept in one particular room while it's very young and the other pets go wherever they're usually allowed to go. I guess the cat is the only one who roams the house so i'll use that as an example.Keep the room the dog will be in closed for a week before you get the dog so the cat gets used to not going there, then when you have the dog keep the cat out of that room for another 1 or 2 weeks. After that time put the dog in it's cage and bring the cat in and allow it to observe from up on a high place, over time bring the cat onto the floor with you and make a fuss over the cat. Let the dog know that the cat has priority over the dog otherwise there will be territory and jellousy problems. After a while put the cat on the high space and let the dog roam free in the room. If the cat wants to get down then it will but it probably won't! A few days after repeting this, then you let the dog roam around the house, the cat will ajust eventually!Remember to give your cat the same amount of attention as you usually would!

    • The BEST way to get a dog and bring it into the family would be as a puppy. I have had several dogs with my cats and as long as the dog grows up with the cats they will be safe. If the dog has already grown up and doesn't like cats, it's understandable. I don't think bringing a dog home would hurt any feeling amongst the animals. Just be careful what kind you bring home that's all. I have a Great Pyrenees that I brought home (as a puppy) to 3 tabby cats, 2 snakes and a rabbit. And all is well. They are big dogs YES but he understands he is sharing his home. Good luck!

    • i disagree with a jack russell idea because my friend has a jack russell they are very hyperadn they love chasing cats maybe find an old dog thats not too big maybe the size of a beagle they are very tolerant i have two and they don't even mind it when my cats jumps on them its just the rabbit part because beagles are rabbit dogs :[ otherwise a beagle would be perfect for you

    • As long as you get a dog who is a young puppy and stay away from Terrier and Hound & other breeds with a high prey drive, your other animals should be fine. Decide on a short list of breeds and find some reputable breeders who will tell you whether a puppy would fit into your life style or not - not just a breeder who wants to sell their puppies at all costs!

    • I think you'll be fine. The dog will be completely harmless to the rabbits and guinea pigs. I'm not saying the cats might be totally easy but any cat and dog can live together when they get used to each other. Good luck

    • I have a friends who rescued a Foxhound and already had a cat. The cat and Pluto now share a bed and even go to the vet together. Get the right mix and it can work very well.