My dog has a staph infection on her back..anything I can do to make it go away faster?

They gave me Clavamox and Prednisone for it but is there anything else I can do to help her?

    My dog has a staph infection on her back..anything I can do to make it go away faster?

    They gave me Clavamox and Prednisone for it but is there anything else I can do to help her?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has a staph infection on her back..anything I can do to make it go away faster?...

    • My dog has a staph infection on her back..anything I can do to make it go away faster?

      My dog has a staph infection on her back..anything I can do to make it go away faster? General Dog Discussions
      They gave me Clavamox and Prednisone for it but is there anything else I can do to help her?

      My dog has a staph infection on her back..anything I can do to make it go away faster?

      My dog has a staph infection on her back..anything I can do to make it go away faster? General Dog Discussions
    • My shih tzu had this in her skin last year as well--- The vet gave me a medicated shampoo called Keto-chlor and this really helped reduce redness and inflamation and make it go away. It's a little pricey at about $35 for a 16 oz bottle, but worth it imo.

    • My vet spent a year with my dogs staph infection, different antibiotics, expensive medicated shampoo AND me washing her every other day etc. Finally she did a skin scraping and found it was resistant to most drugs (the thought is she picked it up visiting hospitals)She was put on clindamycin and that finally did the trick.If you have not done a skin scraping prior to starting her on the antibiotics you have to wait a week or more after antibiotics are done to do a skin scraping. I am sorry I wasted so much time and money and my dogs discomfort before the vet finally suggested the skin scraping.

    • Follow the vet's instructions exactly. This includes giving the antibiotics until they are gone. Do not save any back for future use. If the dog has long hair, clip the hair but do not clipper burn the dog. Bathe the dog with a good chlorohexidine shampoo. Make sure that you rinse well and dry the skin completely with a hair dryer set on cool. You might have to get one from your vet. If the lesions do not go away, the lesions may have to be cultured to find the best antibiotic for the problem. Some skin problems can become chronic requiring the care of a veterinary dermatologist. Staphylococcus intermedius can be difficult to clear in some dogs. Sadly more and more have become resistant to many common antibiotics.