How do i get my neighbour to control her dog?

The animal is constantly barking at people and chasing their cars, kids in the area are scared of this dog which is aloud to run around loose and fouls on the lawn in my garden and other peoples garden.The owner is too arrogant to approach about this…

    How do i get my neighbour to control her dog?

    The animal is constantly barking at people and chasing their cars, kids in the area are scared of this dog which is aloud to run around loose and fouls on the lawn in my garden and other peoples garden.The owner is too arrogant to approach about this…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do i get my neighbour to control her dog?...

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    • How do i get my neighbour to control her dog?

      How do i get my neighbour to control her dog? General Dog Discussions
      The animal is constantly barking at people and chasing their cars, kids in the area are scared of this dog which is aloud to run around loose and fouls on the lawn in my garden and other peoples garden.The owner is too arrogant to approach about this animal and just ignores her dog and will not contol him.Also there is no Dog Warden in the area.Please help!

      How do i get my neighbour to control her dog?

      How do i get my neighbour to control her dog? General Dog Discussions
    • well send an anomonously letter and if that doesnt work report her to the police or have the neighborhood sign a petition or if needsbe a civil dont want to harm the dog...its not its fault its running around crazy..would you want to be stuck with the mean person...if you did something to it there would be hellto pay one way could also get fined and jailed

    • neighbours unite get a few of you to just go at once stay calm or even a letter with some signatures hopefully she will get the point.My dog is in garden parts of the day no way would he be out in street but if he was to bark he's told off straight away its rare he barks but i will not tolerate if he does.This nieghbour is waiting for an accident to happen protect your kids now take action.

    • Where the is no dog warden, the health Department will usually interviene where a dangerous dog is concerned..Or your Country's Human Society.If you will add what area you are in, I can likley find the correct authorities..I'll check back, or email me..

    • do you like dogs? if so take it on yourself as a challange. when it is in your garden train it (obviously dont try if its a viscous rotty or something) get some biscuits and teach it simple stuff like sit and stay, if it see's this as a game it will listen to you.

    • I am sort of in the same boat as you, except this one doesn't chase people. animal warden. How about calling the police and telling them the situation? Maybe that will get the point across. People like that definitely should NOT have a pet if they can't take care of it. Is there a dog pound or shelter in your area? If so, maybe you could call them and see what they suggest you do. Maybe they will tell you to bring it! Good luck with whatever you decide!

    • That is what dogs do. Get over it. I have mean bitter old neighbors (probably just like you). I tell my dog to get 'em and he goes and barks at them. It makes me happy. Also, if you were a lot nicer to them I am sure she would try to work with you. If you want silence then I say: MOVE TO THE COUNTRY WHERE IT IS QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

    • benadryl makes dogs sleep. exlax makes dogs crap all over the place. alternate every other day. the dog will stop coming out or the owner will get rid of it. a little piece of bread and american cheese with the pills in them over the fence. just dont get caught. wrap pills in cheeze then in bread. smart dogs can eat around pils in food. this works the best that i have tried. i used to block caller id and call the dog owner at 3am and make loud barking noises till she would let her dog in. that worked also.diluted ammonia in a spray bottle will quiet a barking dog. half ammonia half water. last resort, aerosol oven cleaner in the dogs face. dies almost instantly. very painful for the dog though.

    • I would call the rspca, council or even the police if you feel this is a dangerous dog. As a dog owner myself, i have a responsibility to care, train, clear up after them. I know that if my dog causes someone else problems then i am held responsible for it. That dog should be musselled and on a lead.The poor dog sounds bored and neglected. you can buy products to deter animals form fouling on your garden or Jeyes fluid some times works at masking the smell. That's why they always go in the same spots.Regarding chasing cars, i don't know what to say. But one of these days the dog is going to get hit by a car. Now that should stop him.Your neighbour doesn't deserve to own a dog, i hope if they have children they dont treat them in the same way.Can dogs get asbos?

    • call animal control.b/c of your terminology i'm curious about whether you're in the US or sounds like you aren't and therefore, i'm not familiar with your specific animal organizations.However, in the US you could call animal control or the local animal rescue or shelter. any of those organizations could help or at least steer you in the proper direction.if these organizations don't exist in your area, then i would simply notify the police. animal control is a very big deal anywhere you live.i have reported my neighbor's dog on numerous occasions b/c it gets loose and i don't like dogs that aren't on leash. NO dog should ever be outside without restraint of some kind. it's a bad deal if that dog snaps and attacks a child. no matter how nice the dog is, it could get triggered by something and attack....they are animals first and our best friends second.i hope this helps and if you don't get any help, then i would approach the neighbor as a group with the other bothered neighbors. if you are a group, then you have a better chance of being heard. or, sign a petition asking the local law enforcement to force the dog to be restrained and give the owner a copy....maybe that will make your point known.take care and good luck!