How can I kindly tell my neighbor she is not caring for her dog properly?

My neighbor works very long hours so I can understand why it might be hard for her to put more effort into raising her dog. However the dog is extremely unsocialized gets walked outside once maybe twice on a lucky day. He spends the rest of the day…

    How can I kindly tell my neighbor she is not caring for her dog properly?

    My neighbor works very long hours so I can understand why it might be hard for her to put more effort into raising her dog. However the dog is extremely unsocialized gets walked outside once maybe twice on a lucky day. He spends the rest of the day…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I kindly tell my neighbor she is not caring for her dog properly?...

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    • Your neighbor will not listen. She will have her reason or excuses. It is like telling someone about what they are doing wrong in raising one of their kids.People are very touchy about their dogs. There is nothing you can say to make her change her ways.As a Professional Canine Behaviorist & Master Dog Trainer I ran up against this many, many times. They think they know what they are doing & see nothing wrong with it.It is all ignorance. They know no better.

    • tell her you could take care of the dog for the day to keep it company because it looks bored stuck at home all day with out her offer to feed it and things like that so she won't have to do it and it might start looking healther because it is probably getting all the food it needs with you feeding it sense she's not giving him enough watch how much she puts in his bowl...........double it.

    • I made the mistake of not informing my neighbor that they were not caring for there dog properly. Then they got 2 more dogs and they abused them every one of them. After months of calling the police/animal control, still no help. Then one of the dogs had puppies and the family decided to go camping the 4th of July week. Keep in mind I live in AZ, and it was 116 that week. After the 1st day of them being gone (and leaving the puppies outside), all I could hear was puppies crying and dogs barking. I called the police and they went out, but no one was home. By day 3 I couldn't take it anymore, and finally got animal control to come out because I looked over the fence and saw dead puppies. 4 out of 6 died. Animal control broke the lock off there gate and collected the puppies and took all there dogs. Those puppies shouldn't have died. I m not saying that this will happen but don't let it go to far, you can complain to your local authorities anonymously or confront your neighbor. There is absolutely no sense in letting an animal suffer to save face. Sorry for venting, I am just still extremely upset over that incident.

    • ARGG! I just hate to read about animal cruelty! I say that if you got her e-mail address you should send her an e-mail its much better thn saying it face to face becuz u dont know how some people react. and if yuo do have her e-mail just be like in the e-mail:Dear _____,It is Amanda your neighbor. I understand that you work long hours and you dont get to walk your dog alot. I am always home and I can walk the dog for you when you aren't around. I also am very sorry to even say this but your dog looks like her/she is to thin. Remember I can always walk him if you want me to when you are not home! Sincerly, AmandaAnd then also u can like play with the dog and give him treats and stuff.Take Care,Sheirley B.

    • I have the exact same problem! They keep there dog tied up in their backyard all day and it will not STOP barking! So I told my dad about it and went over to the other neighbors houses and asked them if they've noticed constant barking they all have said they did. So my dad went over there and told them that it's becoming a problem and after that every night they just take in the garage. My mom said that the owner of the house grew up on a farm where dogs were always out side. They act like they don't have time for the dog when there is 11 people living in that household! (2 parents 9 kids)

    • Does your community have a noise ordinance in place? If they do, start by calling the police. They won't be able to do anything the first time, or the 2nd or 3rd, but they will the 4th, 5th or 6th, especially if you can get the neighbors to start calling in.If you are home during the day, you could offer to take the dog for a walk, or offer to dog sit- say something like "I want to start walking, but it would be good to have a partner - can I take your dog with me?" or "I'm home all day, and would love to get a dog, but the responsibility is too much - would you mind if he stayed with me while you are at work? The anonymous note in the mailbox is a good idea too.But if you already called in about animal abuse, and they couldn't do anything - theres really not much you could do.I suppose, you could always break into the garage, take the dog, and find him a new home... but that would be illegal.... and your neighbor would probably just get a new dog.

    • There are several things you can do. As someone else said you can offer to walk the dog. Just make sure you tell them you understand they work long hours and you wanted to lend a hand because you feel bad for the dog. You could also contact a shepard rescue and explain the situation to them and they might be able to help you out some. You can call the police and report the dog as barking continuously in which they will document the case and brief the owner and if it continues they could be forced to contact animal control and confinscate the dog for failure to control their pet. Finally, if you can check to see if the dog has a rabies vaccination tag and report to animal control directly and inform them. If the dog does not have a rabies tag they will take action. People like this don't need to have dogs. My boyfriend and I both work long hours but we still take great care of our dog. He is well fed, exercised, socialized, and loved and this dogs owner should be able to do better.

    • My neighbor does the same thing.This neighbor decided she wanted to know what it was like to have puppies. She let her dogs mate, and lo, and behold, there were 10 pups. Only the mom couldn't feed them all and 2 were shoved off in a corner. I suggested to her to separate 5 dogs so the others could eat and the switch so the other 5 could eat, she wouldn't. So I took the 2 puppies at 3 days. I ended up with one.I don't know what happened to the mother, she just disappeared. The other 7 puppies? The same fate. The father and son she kept developed epilepsy. Since she was gone 16 hours a day, I took care of them because they had really bad seizures. A few years ago, her brother the vet wouldn't send her anymore meds, so they topped getting them. I went to my vet and since Polly also had them, though never as bad, she gave me extra so I could give them to the other 2. No, animal control woud not help. They said as long as the dogs had food and water there wasn't any need to do anything. That's a bunch of BS. Alex, the dad, disappeared one day. Willie was very sick earlier this year. She went on vacation and I took care of him. Problem? He couldn't walk, eat or drink. And in pain, he would just cry. She said she would put him down when she got home. I had had enough by this time and took him to the vet and had him put to sleep. Her response? Thank God I don't have to deal with that thing anymore. She now has another dog. I feed him every morning and give him water because she doesn't see why he needs water all day long, he just pees in the house and the dog food she has is the same that she gave Alex, at least 4 years old.There's a good chance that your neighbor won't do a thing, but you can try to volunteer to take care of him during the day. I hate to lay any responsibility on you, but you may be the only hope he's got. Good luck!

    • Try to sit her down calmly and have a good talk with her and just explain that your not trying to insult her but you just want the best for her dog. If shes still not taking enough notice could you possibly look after the dog sometimes or give her some numbers of local people who walk dogs ect, that well he will also be socialised with other dogs and have a walk aswel.If shes still refusing to co-operate though you need to try and get together enough evidence to show that the dog is being mistreated and take it to your local animal resuce, vets, animal control ect. I'm sure one of them will listenDont give up though, its great your so concerned about this dog and your right to be. Your doing a great thing! x

    • Her dog gets walked once or twice a day. that's more than most dogs get walked. I am assuming that the dog has some place to go potty as well. Many dogs today are overweight, you can see all of my dogs ribs, but that is because they are fit. Very fit. Everytime I go to the vet my vet comments on the fitness of my animals. I asked if they were too thin and his response was "most people probably would look at your dogs and consider them to be too thin, but that's because most people's dogs are slightly overweight or grossly overweight so they would see your dogs and be concerned. I am not concerned because their coats are great, their eyes look great, their teeth look great". While I commend you for being concerned, I just want to caution you about claiming that the dog is too thin with defined ribs. Shepherds can be long thin dogs. My dog is a lab shepherd mix (lab head, shepherd body, it's weird) and he looks thin with defined ribs. She is also providing her dog with shelter and water, which is indeed more than some people do on this site. I think that the only thing that you can do is offer to walk her dog. Only then can you get more "inside information" about how she really is treating the dog. You can find out what his living conditions really are like, you can find out how much food he is being fed, and you will also be brightening his day by giving him some exercise.keep in mind, lots of dogs bark all day - they are bored, they are guarding and you are walking near. If the dog is indeed barking alllllll day long you are right - the shelter isn't going to do anything. My shelter does not actively go out and take people's dogs away. The dog catcher/animal control only picks up stray or loose dogs (not dogs from people's garages), so the barking can be addressed by calling the police. But before you do that, you should calmly go over and let her know that her dog is barking all day. She doesn't know that this is happening - she is gone. Maybe by letting her know she may open up to you and say "ohhhh, I am so sorry, I feel so badly that I have to leave him all day, I know it must be rough on him" and that will give you the opportunity to jump in and say "well I would be more than happy to come over and let him out a few times while you are gone, or walk him, or play with him". SHe may really appreciate that. If she is rude or just doesn't care, then when the dog is barking all day, you call the police. And the police will then get to see the conditions of the dog, the weight, the food and water situation. So either way, through you offering to help/play with the dog, or by going through the police, attention will come to the dog.

    • try showing your neighbor you have a great interest in their dog. after they know you love that dog like it was your own, show them this by everytime you see them comment on the dog. how cute it is. how pretty it is. you know. then casually ask if you can help take care of the dog. like ask if it would be okay to walk the dog for them. you know, make it seem like you are trying to them a favor. like " if your ever to busy or tired, i would be glad to walk him/her for you." you know?

    • just ask that if she cant take care of the dog that you can do it for her just tell her that if she needs someone to take care of the dog while she is at work ask her what to feed her and how to care for her because i too really care for my dog(especially because she got run over on wenedsday i feel her sufferring) and i dont want to see any pets suffer