Have you ever had a dog that seemed a reincarnation of another?

When your best old dog died, did you meet another that was almost a clone?In either appearance or personality. Do you look at another dog and say..Wow! That's just 'her/him' all over again..Sometimes I swear they're the same dog!

    Have you ever had a dog that seemed a reincarnation of another?

    When your best old dog died, did you meet another that was almost a clone?In either appearance or personality. Do you look at another dog and say..Wow! That's just 'her/him' all over again..Sometimes I swear they're the same dog!...
    General Dog Discussions : Have you ever had a dog that seemed a reincarnation of another?...

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    • Have you ever had a dog that seemed a reincarnation of another?

      Have you ever had a dog that seemed a reincarnation of another? General Dog Discussions
      When your best old dog died, did you meet another that was almost a clone?In either appearance or personality. Do you look at another dog and say..Wow! That's just 'her/him' all over again..Sometimes I swear they're the same dog!

      Have you ever had a dog that seemed a reincarnation of another?

      Have you ever had a dog that seemed a reincarnation of another? General Dog Discussions
    • Very interesting question but I'm going to have to say no, I have only owned 3 dogs in my 34 years on Earth and all 3 dogs have been totally different. Different breeds, personalities, everything. The only thing the same would be how much i love them and how loving they are back to me.

    • Well... Thank God, none of my dogs have died yet... we have a lab/shepherd mix and he is 10 y/o... and a lab/chow and he is 10 mo. old... hopefully they will live long... What about You??

    • I haven't but a friend told me about their dog. He seemed to be reincarnated as a different animal. He would go out to the chicken coop and sleep there. He would get along with the chickens and would even eat their feed!! Wow!!

    • Thought this to be a very interesting question. I didn't have this experience, but had something kind of uncanny happen when my GSD/Belgian Malinois passed. She had taken care of our adopted rescue from puppy hood and was a great mother to her, very protective of her. They were best buds. The pup had a shrill bark- being about seven mos old and still shrill when the GSD passed. She went to the door when no one was there and just stared at it and suddenly she barked a deep bark that sounded like the GSD. So much so that I came out of my room fully expecting to see Max standing there. Another thing that happened was that the GSD (Max) used to like to lay on these big dinosaur shaped pillows for toddlers. We had four of them laid beside each other under the large living room floor to ceiling window. Max used to love to lay there when inside. After her passing we stacked them up on the other side of the bed in our bedroom. For three or four days we found them back- in a row- under the window. We each thought the other person was doing it and then one day we asked each other and then we saw the pup come out, tugging a pillow and laying it by the window. She wouldn't lay there. She would set it there, like it was for Max.She kept her deep bark from that day forward.

    • Yes most definitely I have. One dog of mine passed away and the another one of totally different lines and was the exact same personality and did the exact same things as the dog we lost. She zooms around the yard like a crazy dog, loves to sleep where the other dog slept, is totally outgoing, and will lick you to death.... The one seems so alike the one I had in the past. It is so odd and scary at the same time.I don't know what you believe but, I believe that God can send us a miracle when we need one. Or God can send us little hints that he really does exist.. I guess that is just me.

    • Yes. I fully believe in it. Oddly enough, ( I know this will sound like bs, but its totally true) my beloved Misty {rip} passed away April 24th 2000. When I had finally mourned and decided it was time to get another dog, I bought my loved Logan, who it turns out was born the same day Misty passed. He has the same personality and we bonded almost instantly, as if we had known each other forever.So yeah, I am a full believer of reincarnation.

    • Not until just now! I have a 10 month old who is so like my first Golden. Not so much in looks but pretty close but in his temperment and his desire to just please me! I gave him a bath today and while i was really getting the shampoo into his fur it so reminded me of my first boy! Very thick undercoat hard to really get the soap in there down to the skin how in some spots it was so curly when wet. How he just stood there and let me do what I had to do with out moving! He was just such a good boy! Until my husband accidently let him out and he rolled in the dirt! LOLI had to rinces him completely down again! It took 30 years but he has come the very closest to my first Golden.

    • defintelymy in laws had a border collie that died because it had been attack by 3 other dogs not long after we brought them another one and let me tell you if it was not from the marking you wouldnt tell the difference. they are the same if everyway, scary really

    • No but I always hoped I would someday find one.But my dachshund is almost close, since he loves to dig just like my half chihuahua half dachshund used to.

    • Yes, when I lost my Pepper in 2004, I did not want another dog for the house....my husband took me to a kennel where he had already been in Edmond, Okla, and had picked a gorgeous male Min. Schnauzer, when I first saw him he was 8 wks old, I really didnt want to have anything to do with him all the way home on the trip, he kept curled up on the front seat between us on his back with all 4 legs in the air and his head turned toward me and kept watching me..We got home and it was almost a week later, I still wasnt messing with him very much, and I had a really bad cold, and was curled up under my snuggle blanket on the couch, my husband picked Demon up and put him on the couch, I was gonna ignore him, but he said no way, came up on my chest turned around and went under the blanket and then back all the way to top and curled up on my chest and went to sleep, he stole my heart, he knew I was sick and was caring for me, this is exactly what Pepper use to do when I did not feel good.and here is the weird thing, Freddie was looking at his papers, he was Born Aug. 21, 2004, Pepper was born Dec, 21st the 21st both same days but different months.then Pepper passed on Sept. 8, 2004.....and I month to the day, we got Demon on Oct 8th, 2004 same day again the 8th.I really believe Pepper held on and knew this little puppy was waiting for me....and sometimes the way Demon is curled up to me and just stares at me, is the same look Pepper always did, total different colors......but this dog has something special about him, and I think he was sent by God and Pepper.

    • <<<<<Sassy...............After Sassy passed away one of my other poms Foxy started doing things that Sassy had done. Foxy had never done these things before. I think she may have been trying to comfort me and letting me now that Sassy was a part of everyone. It can be eerie, But at the same time It makes me feel better the Sassy Sue here with me in a strange kind of way.

    • Actually now that you ask i do. People think i'm nuts but i've noticed that my dog Brinkley has a similar personality to my dog Dreyfuss that passed away almost 3 years ago. People think i'm nuts to think that because they are 2 totally different breeds of dogs. Brinkley the dog i have now is a 10 month old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. My Dog Dreyfuss was an American Bulldog. Strange huh? Dreyfuss was the best dog i've ever had. He was almost human.

    • A puppy will sometimes have the same disposition, energy and same markings as one of the parents. For example Lassie and the son of Lassie were very much alike almost a clone. But I have not seen an unrelated dog to be just like another dog.

    • No, but wish it were so. In the past twenty five years, I`ve owned eight different dogs, some at the same time, some at different times, including 3 white/cream Pomeranians. No two were alike, each had their own personalities, from sitting back and observing to loving everyone around, from roamers to couch potatoes. Each was different. Each was special. God lent them to me with long life spans for me to love. They were my comfort, my protectors and my joy. They have all passed on now. I have since had to move to a place that does not permit pets, so my life is empty, but if things change I would gladly take a reincarnation of any one dog I ever owned.

    • Yes, in terms of devotion to me, but the reaction may be caused by me, in both cases. I am, after all, the common link in this threesome. I am very kind and solicitous to animals in my life, thinking of their feelings, how they see things, unconsciously making sure things make sense to them. I'm sure this comes from being a mother, as this was a concern in my raising of my daughter when she was young. The unrealized knowledge of that respect created similar respect from her; It is apparently the same in my canine-human relationships. Both dogs have been very kind and helpful to me---I have severe MS and often have needed their help. Not so oddly, Allie came to me when I was first sick. And after I lost Allie, Gracie found her way to my doorstep, and was happily adopted by me. She fell right beside me where Allie spent her time. Both dogs have constantly been aware of whatever I do, ready to come and help unasked, and at any given moment. Both have chosen to sleep at the foot of bed, on the same side, facing the same direction, no less. It has seemed Gracie is beloved Allie reincarnated because she knew she needed to fill the hole left in my heart with Allie's passing. I need the help, and Gracie seemed to know I would need her, too.I know this all sounds a bit sappy, but it truly has been the reincarnation of a beloved and needed friend, thank goodness........