How can you tell if a dog is depressed? And to tell what is causing it to be depressed?

i'm not sure but my dog is acting weird today. i think he is depressed but i'm not sure. i got him checked at the vet, and the vet said that my dog is very healthy and nothing seems to be wrong. But he remains lethargic, slow and shows lack of interest…

    How can you tell if a dog is depressed? And to tell what is causing it to be depressed?

    i'm not sure but my dog is acting weird today. i think he is depressed but i'm not sure. i got him checked at the vet, and the vet said that my dog is very healthy and nothing seems to be wrong. But he remains lethargic, slow and shows lack of interest…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can you tell if a dog is depressed? And to tell what is causing it to be depressed?...

    • How can you tell if a dog is depressed? And to tell what is causing it to be depressed?

      How can you tell if a dog is depressed? And to tell what is causing it to be depressed? General Dog Discussions
      i'm not sure but my dog is acting weird today. i think he is depressed but i'm not sure. i got him checked at the vet, and the vet said that my dog is very healthy and nothing seems to be wrong. But he remains lethargic, slow and shows lack of interest in daily activities. He is about 3 years old. I think he is disappointed with me but i don't know why.

      How can you tell if a dog is depressed? And to tell what is causing it to be depressed?

      How can you tell if a dog is depressed? And to tell what is causing it to be depressed? General Dog Discussions
    • If your dog doesn't have any medical issues causing his behavior, it could be due to lack of exercise. Bringing him to a dog park where he can be around other dogs and freely run around might help.

    • Well, if there is no health problem it sounds to me that your dog has "just one of these days". You know the same days humans have too. When the day starts and you feel like just staying in bed under your covers and do pretty much nothing. I´m sure you sometimes feel like that too. And most dogs seem to have them too.And "yes" I think dogs can get depressed. When my female died last year my male was really depressed. But I don´t think your dog is depressed because he is disappointed in you. Dogs don´t think that way. Maybe it is very hot today where you live? That could cause the behavior too. He should be fine in a day or two.