Can a dog live without their jugglars?

Does a dog need to have both jugglar's connected to live? My dog had one tied off and it appears he has another anaysum in the other one.

    Can a dog live without their jugglars?

    Does a dog need to have both jugglar's connected to live? My dog had one tied off and it appears he has another anaysum in the other one....
    General Dog Discussions : Can a dog live without their jugglars?...

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    • Can a dog live without their jugglars?

      Can a dog live without their jugglars? General Dog Discussions
      Does a dog need to have both jugglar's connected to live? My dog had one tied off and it appears he has another anaysum in the other one.

      Can a dog live without their jugglars?

      Can a dog live without their jugglars? General Dog Discussions