How often should a dog go to the bathroom?

I'm dog sitting for family friends, and was asked to let them out to use the washroom once at 10am, and again at 3pm. Their dad gets home from work at 6-7pm and leaves in the morning at 6am.It turns out I have to be somewhere tomorrow (didn't remember…

    How often should a dog go to the bathroom?

    I'm dog sitting for family friends, and was asked to let them out to use the washroom once at 10am, and again at 3pm. Their dad gets home from work at 6-7pm and leaves in the morning at 6am.It turns out I have to be somewhere tomorrow (didn't remember…...
    General Dog Discussions : How often should a dog go to the bathroom?...

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    • How often should a dog go to the bathroom?

      How often should a dog go to the bathroom? General Dog Discussions
      I'm dog sitting for family friends, and was asked to let them out to use the washroom once at 10am, and again at 3pm. Their dad gets home from work at 6-7pm and leaves in the morning at 6am.It turns out I have to be somewhere tomorrow (didn't remember before hand) and have to leave at 12:30pm. I won't be back until late evening.If I let the dogs out right before I leave, will they be okay? Thanks. xxThey youngest is 2yrs old, and they are small dogs. Hope this helps!

      How often should a dog go to the bathroom?

      How often should a dog go to the bathroom? General Dog Discussions
    • Ideally, they should go out every 4-5 hours, unless the ask to go out earlier. If it's possible, try to get someone else to let the dogs out or they may mess the floor.