What is the best type of dog around children?

Our family is thinking of getting a dog. Which one has the best to have around young children? Only small dog suggestions please as we are not looking for a big dog!

    What is the best type of dog around children?

    Our family is thinking of getting a dog. Which one has the best to have around young children? Only small dog suggestions please as we are not looking for a big dog!...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best type of dog around children?...

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    • What is the best type of dog around children?

      What is the best type of dog around children? General Dog Discussions
      Our family is thinking of getting a dog. Which one has the best to have around young children? Only small dog suggestions please as we are not looking for a big dog!

      What is the best type of dog around children?

      What is the best type of dog around children? General Dog Discussions
    • The Staffordshire Bull Terrier(http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/staffordshirebullterrier.htm)This dog is known as the "Nanny Dog" in it's native country because it's so good around children. And it's a beautiful dog too!

    • I know you said small dog... But I think a labrador retriever would be best. They are protective when they need to be, love to have fun with the kids and they have a "soft mouth" which sounds weird but if you've ever been bitten by a dog you'll know what I mean.

    • pugs are really sweet and nice but if you want a really really calm dog a bull mastiff they are huge but the sweetest calmest dog like my little sister used to jump sleep ride and do all sorts of things but but the dog slept through it all she was a good dog but remimber they r huge hope these helps

    • I raise rat terriers and they are great with kids. There are alot of dogs that are good for kids as long as you start with a puppy. The younger the better so they can grow up with the kids and be used to that kind of attention that kids give to dogs. Kids have more energy than older kids and adults and older dogs dont always like that if they are not accustomed to it.

    • I always try to persuade people to rescue a dog from a pet rescue. This way, your children can meet the dog, see the dogs reaction and find out a little history of the dog. An adult dog is such a good choice because you won't go through the puppy stage which can be quite trying. Labs and Goldens are usually very good with children. Also German Shepard's and Rottweilers (contrary to what you may have heard.) Check out the website www.petfinder.com. Lots of pets awaiting someone to come and give them a permanent home.

    • we have a staffordshire bull terrier he is 12 months old now we had him from a pup.he is definately a breed of dog that is great with people and children of all ages he is loyal loving and very playfull with children(not other dogs though)staffys have a very bad reputation but 99 % of what you here about them is untrue check out some staffy websites and you will find out all you need to know.you will never find a more loyal and loving friend in a dog and behind their big muscles and thier sharp teeth they really are big softies

    • chiuauas (did i spell that right?) are good dogs for children. especially puppies. they cant bite that hard and like to lick people. rottwiler/ german sheperds are kind of big dogs but they will like you more if you get them as a puppy and play with them alot

    • king Charles spaniels.they are loyal ,fiercely protective towards children,our own mistrusted a man that came near my son and barked until i came out and the man ran off.he was la tor arrested for abusing youngsters.they are obedient,easy to look after,love being brushed and want nothing more then to be loved and apart of a family.

    • Choose one of the hunting breads such as a retriever or lab. These dogs have soft mouths, and are great with kids. Do not get a dog if you have a child under 3 or a child that requires extra watching. You can't watch over a puppy and an active toddler at the same time. That would be like having twins.

    • I would definitely recommend a bichon frise they play whenever they get the chance they are a non-shedding breed so if you have kids with allergies this dog would be perfect they don't need a lot of exercise so your family wont have the fight of "whose turn is it to walk the dog?" i have a 5 month old bichon and she is a complete joy calm quiet and playful and their little black noses and eyes are just so cute and innocent and they only grow to be 12 inches tall