Why does my chihuahua eat paper towels?

I have a five month old Chihuahua that eats paper towels and poops them out too.I try to make sure she cant get to any but somehow she manages to find one.They cant taste good.and she has plenty of food to eat and toys to chew on so why does she act like…

    Why does my chihuahua eat paper towels?

    I have a five month old Chihuahua that eats paper towels and poops them out too.I try to make sure she cant get to any but somehow she manages to find one.They cant taste good.and she has plenty of food to eat and toys to chew on so why does she act like…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my chihuahua eat paper towels?...

    • Why does my chihuahua eat paper towels?

      Why does my chihuahua eat paper towels? General Dog Discussions
      I have a five month old Chihuahua that eats paper towels and poops them out too.I try to make sure she cant get to any but somehow she manages to find one.They cant taste good.and she has plenty of food to eat and toys to chew on so why does she act like a goat?

      Why does my chihuahua eat paper towels?

      Why does my chihuahua eat paper towels? General Dog Discussions
    • A lot of dogs eat weird things like paper towels and kleenex. It doesn't hurt them, they just like to do it. If you don't like it, don't put them where she can get them. She's pretty small so it should be easy to keep them out of reach.She likely does it just because she likes to. It could also have to do with what food you are feeding her. If it is a poor quality food she may be trying to get some nutrients that she is lacking. Make sure to ask your vet about her food.