What kinda dog is good for beginners?

Hi, I am planning on getting a dog and i'm not sure which dog would be good for a first timer like myself. I always wanted a big dog but raise from when it is just a pup. Also, I work full time and will have to leave the pet with my parents majority of…

    What kinda dog is good for beginners?

    Hi, I am planning on getting a dog and i'm not sure which dog would be good for a first timer like myself. I always wanted a big dog but raise from when it is just a pup. Also, I work full time and will have to leave the pet with my parents majority of…...
    General Dog Discussions : What kinda dog is good for beginners?...

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    • What kinda dog is good for beginners?

      What kinda dog is good for beginners? General Dog Discussions
      Hi, I am planning on getting a dog and i'm not sure which dog would be good for a first timer like myself. I always wanted a big dog but raise from when it is just a pup. Also, I work full time and will have to leave the pet with my parents majority of the time, so a pet that is adaptable. Please help me.I will be spending time with the pet intially, at least 3/4 months during this winter that i've booked off....

      What kinda dog is good for beginners?

      What kinda dog is good for beginners? General Dog Discussions
    • retriever, setter, greyhound rescue, ** Why do you want a dog if it's going to be with your parents most of the time.? Do they want a dog? Are they willing to housetrain it and exercise it twice a day for 30+ minutes?

    • I'm not an expert either but I suggest you first spend some time with your new dog rather than leave him/her alone all day with your parents; they'll be better to your parents than you. So first spend some time with your new dog first then visit often. Later, you can go to work more often and your relationship with your new dog will be safe. Don't let the dog feel like their closest friend is your parents. ( i'm not being mean to your parents)Anyway, a labrador retriever would be suitable. But i'm not sure about the pup thing...

    • shih tzus a easy. feed them bathe them play with them and walk them. not very hard. a baby need to be fed 1-2 a day. 1 in the evening or 1 in morning then 1 at night. wash them ever other week. go outside with them for 20-30 minutes every other day. its better 1nce a day. bring it some toys and chew stuff when i touch my dogs leesh it gets so excited.

    • If you want a puppy, you're going to want to have time to take care of and train him. Otherwise, he's going to become your parents' dog, not yours (I've seen things like this happen).Honestly, I've enjoyed mongrels the best. Take a look down at your local animal shelter: You might find a dog there. You might even find a young one.Good luck.

    • well maybe u shouldnt get a dog just yet. dogs need lots of love and attention and if u are not at home how will it get it from u. yea they will be at ur parents most of the time,so i am assuming ur parents live at home, so basicly it would be more of ur parents dog then yours.and if u do get a dog u have to really ask ur parents what they can handel. since the dog would be living with them mostly can they handle a large dog or a dog that needs lots of excerise (if u get an active breed then they will need plenty of exercise throughout the day) and would probably pull them on walks if it isnt properly trained. also will ur parents be able to take him to the vet if an emergency occur. or if u parents r going on vaction will the dog have to stay lock up in ur house until u come home or will u take it to a doggie daycare? i am not being hard on u, i just want to let u know what u have to think about before getting a dog.if u still want a dog and have talk with ur parents then i would suggest getting a small breed type dog.they are small and easy to handle. u could even get 2 small dogs so they could have company if ur parents cannot watch over them and they would have to stay at ur house. at the shelter they have many small dogs needing homes. go to petfinder.com to find a shelter in ur area and c what dogs they have on the website. maybe u should try a cat. they are just a lovable. they are indpendent and dont mind being home alone as long as u feed them and give then attention when u do get home. plus u dont have to take them to ur parents house.

    • a golden retriever is good for everybody. and if you want to get a golden retriever look in your local shelters. but if you dont find one, bu a golden retriever from a breeder called hand raised retrievers, they have show and rescue dogs and puppies.

    • Hi,I strongly suggest that you take the quick test to know which dog suits your personality and lifestyle.Check out this link:http://dogtime.com/matchup/start

    • Labradors, Retrievers or spaniels are ideal. But remember, any dog will get stressed, hyper, and even aggressive if they aren't taken out for regular walks! Good luck!