2 year old dog, poop has never been solid!?

Hi, I have tried everything under the sun.. grain-free, gone raw, gluten free, different meats (except for duck as he's allergic) pretty much everything under the sun. My dog has never really had a solid poop. Any more ideas? Had him since he was 8 weeks…

    2 year old dog, poop has never been solid!?

    Hi, I have tried everything under the sun.. grain-free, gone raw, gluten free, different meats (except for duck as he's allergic) pretty much everything under the sun. My dog has never really had a solid poop. Any more ideas? Had him since he was 8 weeks…...
    General Dog Discussions : 2 year old dog, poop has never been solid!?...

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    • 2 year old dog, poop has never been solid!?

      2 year old dog, poop has never been solid!? General Dog Discussions
      Hi, I have tried everything under the sun.. grain-free, gone raw, gluten free, different meats (except for duck as he's allergic) pretty much everything under the sun. My dog has never really had a solid poop. Any more ideas? Had him since he was 8 weeks old.. vet is clueless as what to do next as well.Nope. Already checked for parasites ect.. none of those.

      2 year old dog, poop has never been solid!?

      2 year old dog, poop has never been solid!? General Dog Discussions
    • Bring the poo to the vet to be tested. He probably has worms or parasite. That's not so good that it's been like that for so long. The parasites eat their nutrients which leaves a young dog growing with not much and can affect their growing organs.

    • Go to another Vet with more experience. You can also add a few tablespoonfuls of canned pumpkin to each meal and that may help, but it won't cure your dog if he has an illness or something that needs to be addressed because of a chronic condition.

    • You said you've tried different diets. 1. are you gradually changing them (by mixing the old with the new)? If not, that can cause diarrhea.2. I'm sure your vet told you, when he recommended a specific food, not to give ANYTHING else except the food (no treats, no table food, etc.). Have you and anybody else in the home still given him anything else?

    • You may want to check to see if her has worms or a parasite...Also, keep a log of what ingredients he is allergic to. One I might point out to is corn... most dogs get the runs from corn.Try switching the diet, too.. don't use that cheap Purina or Ol'Roy crap.I use Dick Van Vatten's Natural Balance Ultra. Read up and do comparisons on different dog reviews and find articles on other dogs that sound familiar with your situatuion. Research and studying is the key.http://www.naturalbalanceinc.com/dogformulas/home.html

    • My Border Collie is the same way. The only thing that seemed to help was adding plain yogurt to the meals. In his case it was a bacterial enzyme deficiency

    • Ask vet to give you pro biotic powders to put in your dogs food , he will eat it ok as its a nice smell and if your vet wont give you them you can buy it in tablet form from the health store,its the ones you get for humans,however make sure when you add them to the meal, you keep the meal cold and dont warm it up as this will destroy the friendly bacteria in the pro biotic and you dont want that to happen. You could also add arrowroot powder to his meal and this will calm the digestive system and thicken up the poo as well and its all very safe and wont harm your dog. One of my dobermans had a similar problem so i know how you feel. good luck