How big a dog is too big for an apartment?

My baby is 22lb and about 1 year old- I doubt he'll ever get more than 25-30lb. I find the idea of huge dogs in an apartment kinda mean- and he's not a tiny toy dog- he's a beagle/daschund mix. I love walking him- so exercise isn't an issue- just…

    How big a dog is too big for an apartment?

    My baby is 22lb and about 1 year old- I doubt he'll ever get more than 25-30lb. I find the idea of huge dogs in an apartment kinda mean- and he's not a tiny toy dog- he's a beagle/daschund mix. I love walking him- so exercise isn't an issue- just…...
    General Dog Discussions : How big a dog is too big for an apartment?...

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    • How big a dog is too big for an apartment?

      How big a dog is too big for an apartment? General Dog Discussions
      My baby is 22lb and about 1 year old- I doubt he'll ever get more than 25-30lb. I find the idea of huge dogs in an apartment kinda mean- and he's not a tiny toy dog- he's a beagle/daschund mix. I love walking him- so exercise isn't an issue- just claustrophobia :)How big is too big for an apartment?I would NEVER send him back to the shelter- I'm just wondering if people will think I'm mean for keeping him in an apartment- and I am moving to the suburbs of Toronto- one bedroom apartments start at $700/month- usually more like $800.

      How big a dog is too big for an apartment?

      How big a dog is too big for an apartment? General Dog Discussions
    • OK - honostly - it all depends on how much you excercise him. I have a 75lb dog in a rather small apartment, and it is perfectly fine, because we go on really long walks, and go to the dog parks all the time. when he is inside, he's not bouncing off the walls and doesn't need a lot of space to do any more running around.i think you are fine with a 25-30 lb dog in an apartment as long as you are taking care of his energy needs.

    • My friends have a great dane in a 1 bedroom apartment. So it's not the size that matters, Keyo knocks things over with his tail all the time. That's the only issue they have. As long as he gets exercized regularly and is quite, you should have a problem. Good luck!

    • there is no such thing. as long as the dog gets enough excerise. some breeds like a caucasian mountain dog should not be in the city let alone an apartment. in fact some of the giant breeds, like mastiffs are actually very good because of how calm they are indoors. some dogs medium sized dogs like border collies of huskies should not be in a small apartment because of their energy. it depends wholly on the energy level of the dog not size.

    • It really isn't the size of the dog that's the main issue, but more so - the size of the apartment. Unless you're going to live in a closet sized apartment, this should be fine. 22lb dogs aren't quite that big at all. Tons of people live in apartments with small, medium and large dogs and as long as you're walking him often, taking him to the park, etc he will be fine. Good luck to you and your baby :)

    • i agree with some of the responses given. it all depends on the owner. dogs just need exercise and love. a tiny dog could live in a mansion and get held all day long in carriers and in laps and never get walked or taken outside (i.e., Paris Hilton's chihuahua) , while a huge st bernard can live in a little apartment but get taken on long walked 2-3 times a day.the amount of effort it takes to treat a dog properly is the same, wether or not you live in an apt.go for it, if you can commit to exercising your dot - the apt won't stand in your way.

    • I know 260# Mastiffs that live in apts. As long as he gets plenty of exercise and love, it's not a problem. You sound like a great owner.Doxie/Beagle Mixes and active and vocal dogs, but it sounds like you're making it work.