--->Why HUMANE for Vets to KILL, but not ME?

I'm just wondering why it is considered humane when you have a vet kill your animal, but if you kill your animal it's not humane? What is wrong with our society? They are animals, nothing more! We eat cows, dear, lamb, pig, etc... but if we eat a dog or…

    --->Why HUMANE for Vets to KILL, but not ME?

    I'm just wondering why it is considered humane when you have a vet kill your animal, but if you kill your animal it's not humane? What is wrong with our society? They are animals, nothing more! We eat cows, dear, lamb, pig, etc... but if we eat a dog or…...
    General Dog Discussions : --->Why HUMANE for Vets to KILL, but not ME? ...

    • --->Why HUMANE for Vets to KILL, but not ME?

      --->Why HUMANE for Vets to KILL, but not ME? General Dog Discussions
      I'm just wondering why it is considered humane when you have a vet kill your animal, but if you kill your animal it's not humane? What is wrong with our society? They are animals, nothing more! We eat cows, dear, lamb, pig, etc... but if we eat a dog or a cat that's grounds to be criminally prosecuted. Butcher's kill animals and no one questions them. Why is it differen't when an average joe kills an animal, it's no longer considered humane? Anyone know the answer to this question?

      --->Why HUMANE for Vets to KILL, but not ME?

      --->Why HUMANE for Vets to KILL, but not ME? General Dog Discussions
    • Cats, dogs etc are made to be pets, not food. Most likely, if one was to kill an animal it wouldn't be painless. Vets have this little called an injection that puts them to sleep. But I'm not sure why farm animals are killed, maybe because they cannot be apart of our family. You wouldn't see a cow walking through your kitchen.

    • Well, the Vet gives your animal a shot usualy when it is there time and mother nature just hasn't run her course yet, or the naimal isn't sutible for placing in a home. If you were to do it, it probably wouldn't be comfortable for the animal. They do it in a comfortable enough way. A butcher is killing non domestic animals, cats and dogs are domestic animals. Most likely, that dog or cat is someones pet. In this country we love our domesticated animlas, most of us don't eat them. Honestly I think it would be in humane to let someone who sounds like you own an animal.

    • I dont know that it is cruelty if you kill an animal for food. I believe the cruelty comes into play in the manor in which the animal is killed. I do not agree nor disagree with eatting animals that others would consider companion type animals. I do believe if one does eat any type of animal I would like it to be killed as quickly and humanly as possible. Below is a fairly good article on the subject

    • It is my belief that Liberals would rather PAY someone to kill their animals rather than letting a guy do it himself.As far as I am concerned, it is OK for someone to kill their pets.

    • I don't think the premise of your question is correct. I think vets put animals down, because most people are unable to euthanize their own animals. However, plenty of people, particularly farmers do. I suspect you feel this way because of the environment you live in, suburban or urban rather than rural. If you lived around and knew farmers, you would not think it is inhumane to euthanize your own animals.

    • Think of it in terms of people. Executioners who inject the chemicals or flip the switch on their job, cannot kill anyone on their own free will, while at home, or outside of their professional association. Likewise a vet STILL can NOT kill an animal in his/her own house, whenever he/she decides. Second to that, It's more a matter of licensing and training/education etc; if a vet does it who is licensed and a professional, then they have MEDICAL REASONS for what they've decided to do- you on the other hand, not beind a vet, cannot say "well the dog had a swollen spleen, and was suffering" or "it had a fatal tumor and I ended its life sooner" like they can.They can just view it as a selfishly motivated thing, even if it wasnt, because you cannot prove why you did it.

    • A vet is a professional and will put the animal down in a humane way with the least discomfort as possible to the animal. If you you think pets are just animals than you have never opened yourself up to having pets as a member of a family and you are missing out.

    • If a butcher or vet kills an animal they do it because it is their job and not for fun.An average joe killing an animal would be considered to do this maybe out of a perverse sense of fun just to see the animal suffer or to feel superior for killing something with a life.If you killed your pet when terminally ill, no one should think the owner was not humane.As far as eating cats or dogs they eat them in China as a delicacy or maybe because they are cheap meat, but they would not be pets.In Western society killing a pet animal seems like killing a friend, and that is not very nice. Being humane or not just depends on the reason why you are killing an animal.

    • I sort of got the feeling when I read your question's information, you were confused about some issues. Killing an animal is dependant on how it is done. If an animal is killed quickly, then it is humane. To allow the animal to suffer during the process of killing it, this is inhumane. There is no known law at least that I know of, that says you cannot eat dog or cat, providing it isn't someone else's pet. And for butchers killing animals whether this is humane or inhumane? Think again. Just because a butcher gets by with inhumanely killing animals, doesn't make it right. It just means that he hasn't been caught yet. If you know of any butchers that are not killing their animals properly, then you need to notify the people at www.hfa.com. These people have been exposing and getting people prosecuted that don't treat the animals humanely.

    • Why don't you go back to telling 14 yr. old girls that they should "sell stuff" to earn money because "you could melt a lot of older peoples hearts with this and get them to pay top dollar" and stay out of the Pets section. Perv.Yeah, I insulted you. Report me.

    • There are alot of issues you bring up here... but let's just start with the first question. If you are a vet, you are a licensed medical professional and that brings with it certain rights that are not extended to the general population. Now, if you decide to go and kill your dog because you think it is the kinder option, you may be prosecuted for cruelity to animals. The key points you would look at in your defense is how you, as a person without detailed medical knowledge, arrived at the conclusion that killing the animal was the best, and most humane option. Second, how was the animal killed, and would that comply with what is currently considered a humane way to kill an animal. That would be it - at least as long as you were the owner of the animal, otherwise there would be civil issues related to property. Of course, farm animals would be considered differently (though there are other laws that surround this).The next issue you bring up is "they are animals, nothing more!" Yes, though it would probably be wise to point out that people are also animals. We look at different animals in different ways. There is no doubt that the more highly evolved animals have capacity to feel pain and emotion. So, for their benefit, and also for ours, we tend to try and deal with the necesity in a calm painless way. Most slaughterhouses now use methods that are considered "humane." Are they? I don't know, and I often have the impression (as I just mentioned) that such measures are often more for the consumer than for the animal.

    • First of all:It is 'humane' for a vet to kill an animal who is injured or dying. I'm certain that it is NOT humane for a vet to EAT A DOG OR CAT. If your pet was suffering and you wanted to give her a quick 'put down' needle instead of having her die in a dark vet office, that's fine. Does that mean you can EAT her, of all things? I would hope not.Secondly, butchers kill animals because they are paid to. They kill animals that are meant for eating. They don't go around killing cats and dogs. And finally, in response to your comment about animals being 'just animals, nothing more', humans are animals too. It is ok to go around eating children because they're 'just animals'? Animals of all kinds have nerves. (Crude example, I know, but honestly.)Why is it ok for the government to prosecute and kill people, but it's not ok for your neighbor to go frolicking out to kill someone? HMMM.Need I say more?

    • Are you Joking! What kind of sick question is that... Vets put your animals to sleep. They die gently. They are not just killed. And yes, most people eat cows and deer and pig but they are raised as food. They are not domestic animals. People do not eat domestic animals. That like eating one of your children. That is how most people think of their pets, as children...

    • First thing vets give animals a shoot it's like going to sleep and never waking up if you had to kill your own animal what would you use to insure the animal felt no pain and saying they are animals and nothing more is wrong we are animals as well. The food chain is one thing even though i do not eat meat my self dose not make it all wrong if you hunt you own food and kill it to feed your starving family that would be just what lions etc. do in the wild but when you buy your meat you can be sure that the soul you are eating was tortured and pumped full of hormones before making it to your plate.As far as eating Cats&Dogs Goes i guess if you already choose to eat store bought meat it would make no diferance what kind but most americans don't want to know or see the face of what they are eating being walked down the street every day.

    • It really depends on peoples views. If you go out and throw a bunch of kittens into river to die that is inhumane because they suffer slow agonizing deaths. If your dog has rabies (a nod to the old yeller comment) and you shoot the dog (properly to kill it quickly, not a bad shot where they bleed to death for 20 minutes) then I would consider that humane because you are protecting yourself and others from coming into contact with the animal and because Rabies is a terrible disease to have you are putting the dog out of his misery. I think the main reason we consider euthansia humane is because it is an overdose of anesthesia and puts the dogs to sleep first and the while they are asleep it stops their heart and is not painful for them. A lot of farmers and ohter people in the country dont mind shooting their horse or dog to put it out of its misery but like others have said being in city limits you cant do those things. I think if you are able to (emotionally) kill one of your pets and do it humanely then thats your deal. I know that the people who kill their animals in the country do it to where the animal suffers as little as possible which is really what vets do when they euthanize. Most city people think of their pets as family and cant force themselves to kill a "member of their family" so they take them to the vet to have it done. Now I am not saying that people in the country dont think the same of their pets but they deal with a much harsher reality where coyotes can seriously wound an animal or a horse spooks and get tore up by barbed wire or things like that where it is going to be more hassle than its worth to load the animal up to take it to the vet to kill it than it is to shoot it themselves. I personally wouldnt dream of eating a cat or dog or horse. I am not a big meat eater but I do eat steaks, burgers, bacon, pork, etc. but if you want to eat them well that is your deal not mine. I honestly dont think that they are very healthy to eat but whatever. I think it is gross. I think butchers and vets have the worse job when it comes to daily killing animals. I know it is hard to do it and I have seen so many animals put to sleep and it is sad. So i guess the answer to your question is that it depends on how you kill the animal whether or not it is humane and what reason you have for killing it. Sorry so long