my belgian is 4 months old, but he's his not getting fat, what can i do?

i gave him pedegree, milk and a lot exercise everyday?

    my belgian is 4 months old, but he's his not getting fat, what can i do?

    i gave him pedegree, milk and a lot exercise everyday?...
    General Dog Discussions : my belgian is 4 months old, but he's his not getting fat, what can i do?...

    • my belgian is 4 months old, but he's his not getting fat, what can i do?

      my belgian is 4 months old, but he's his not getting fat, what can i do? General Dog Discussions
      i gave him pedegree, milk and a lot exercise everyday?

      my belgian is 4 months old, but he's his not getting fat, what can i do?

      my belgian is 4 months old, but he's his not getting fat, what can i do? General Dog Discussions
    • Make sure you worm him every month until 6 months of age. Then every 3-6 months after that.Pedigree dog food isn't a very good brand.Try finding him something better. Ask at your local pet food store or at your vet, they'll tell you what food has the right protein and ingredients for him.If he is having ALOT of exersise you need to increase the amount of food you give him.

    • A fat dog (or in this case puppy) is not a happy dog.If you can see his ribs, looks skinny and etc, than you need to see your vet and find out whats wrong, he could have worms, or maybe your just not feeding him enough.If hes at a normal weight, than thats good, and there is no need to make him "fat". He does not need milk,(especially cow's milk!) just fresh water. Pedigree is not a good dog food at all.Here is a site that will show you which dog foods are the best and the worst. I suggest that you get any one of the dog foods that are top rated. of grocery store dog food formulas, like Science Diet, Purina, Pedigree,and etc contain "meat and bone meal" which has been known to contain dead dogs and cats that were euthanized in animal shelters. Their bodies are picked up and bought by the truck load by "rendering plants" , that also pick up road kill, dead live stock, and etc. They are shredded, and boiled. They skim off the fat on the top of the "soup" and collected it and sell it to pet food companies as "animal fat", the rest of the animals' remains are crushed up, dried and sold to dog and cat food companies as meat and bone meal.You can read more about it here. is an article where the owner of a rendering plant talks about it. He says that cremating the dead shelter animals would cause pollution, and that rendering them is good. is further information on what you shouldn't see in the ingredients list in your dog's food. rated dog foods like Canidae contain good healthy ingredients.