What is the safest effective joint care product for dogs?

My vet recommended Glycoflex II. Any reviews would be helpful on this and any other products that are SAFE! No side effects, etc. Any shopping tips?

    What is the safest effective joint care product for dogs?

    My vet recommended Glycoflex II. Any reviews would be helpful on this and any other products that are SAFE! No side effects, etc. Any shopping tips?...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the safest effective joint care product for dogs?...

    • What is the safest effective joint care product for dogs?

      What is the safest effective joint care product for dogs? General Dog Discussions
      My vet recommended Glycoflex II. Any reviews would be helpful on this and any other products that are SAFE! No side effects, etc. Any shopping tips?

      What is the safest effective joint care product for dogs?

      What is the safest effective joint care product for dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • I'm not familiar with the Glycoflex II product, but I can say that Dasequin (available only through veterinarians) is an excellent product that can produce results comparable to Rimadyl or Deramaxx in dogs where arthritis isn't extremely severe.