Would it be immoral or unethical to kill your own dog?

Let's say your dog was diagnosed with terminal cancer and the vet recommends putting him down. The dog is terrified of the vet and if you take it there to be put down it will know it is own its way to be executed. Wouldn't the more ethical to do…

    Would it be immoral or unethical to kill your own dog?

    Let's say your dog was diagnosed with terminal cancer and the vet recommends putting him down. The dog is terrified of the vet and if you take it there to be put down it will know it is own its way to be executed. Wouldn't the more ethical to do…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would it be immoral or unethical to kill your own dog?...

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    • Would it be immoral or unethical to kill your own dog?

      Would it be immoral or unethical to kill your own dog? General Dog Discussions
      Let's say your dog was diagnosed with terminal cancer and the vet recommends putting him down. The dog is terrified of the vet and if you take it there to be put down it will know it is own its way to be executed. Wouldn't the more ethical to do therefore take it for a walk and shoot it in the head before it knew what was going on?

      Would it be immoral or unethical to kill your own dog?

      Would it be immoral or unethical to kill your own dog? General Dog Discussions
    • my dog molly ate rat poisoning and we were tempted to shoot her in the head. instead, my husband got chickened out and she died a slow , terrible, painful death. but i wish we would have shot her

    • It would be immoral and unethical to shoot your dog in the head.It's be a lawsuit if you missed and allowed the dog to suffer even more.Either way, it would be a lawsuit, actually.

    • I think that would be too much. I would never do that to my dog even if he's scared of the vet. You might miss and he'd be in even more pain and suffering whereas when you go to the vet to have it put down, they're going to give him a little shot where you know he's going peacefully with no blood splatter to deal with. Maybe you can request that the vet visit your house for a calmer environment. Because vets know that letting go of your dog is a painful process, maybe they'll make an exception.

    • Actually a gunshot to the head is the quickest and most humane way to dispatch an animal.However most cities and towns frown upon discharging a firearm within the town or city limits.Also if you are not such a good shot and do not dispatch said pet with one shot, a second shottakes you into the category of felony animal cruelty.Most vets offer in home service or will refer you to one that does.It has nothing to do with ethics it has to do with what is legal.

    • Lots of people have shot there dog but most people unless they know what there doing don't get it right first time .My local hunt kennel shoots there hounds when sick dying or severely injured ,but for most of us a trip to the vet is the best thing .its neither immoral or unethical to shoot your dog .

    • remember it's the back of the head too shoot not the other places back of the head is quicker...A lot of vets now will do home calls, so if your dog is scared the vet can come to your home and put your dog down.I do not like the idea of you killing a dog but putting it though more pain by making it live is worse, can you live with yourself by killing your own pet?

    • My dogs are afraid of the vet too, but I shudder at the thought of shooting one of them to put them down. When we had to have our dog put down, our vet gave us a sedative to keep her calm and relaxed as we said good-bye to her.

    • It is NOT immoral or unethical to shoot your dog IF you are a good aim and make a clean kill shot.If you've never fired a gun or if you aren't a very good aim, have the vet come to your home to put the dog down.People who say it's unethical to shoot your own dog need to pull their heads out of their idealistic, naive @sses.

    • For me it would have to boil down to the question of whether I am selfish enough to allow my dog to be in pain simply because I don't want to take responsibility. There is no way it would be easy. I would hate myself for it. But if for some reason I couldn't have a vet do it (whether access or whatever) I think it is more humane to prevent my pet from surviving that pain. It is in no way an easy question, but I think there is a true right or wrong answer. I would rather suffer the emotional pain myself than force my beloved pet to suffer the physical pain, just because I was too selfish to make the right decision.