Will neutoring my dog change his personality or they way i trained him?

I am planning to neutor my dog. He is 7 months old and the vet recommends it. But the thing is , he is really good with the potty . hardly never misses the weewee pad. Im scared if i neutor him it might change his personality or the way i conditioned…

    Will neutoring my dog change his personality or they way i trained him?

    I am planning to neutor my dog. He is 7 months old and the vet recommends it. But the thing is , he is really good with the potty . hardly never misses the weewee pad. Im scared if i neutor him it might change his personality or the way i conditioned…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will neutoring my dog change his personality or they way i trained him?...

    • Will neutoring my dog change his personality or they way i trained him?

      Will neutoring my dog change his personality or they way i trained him? General Dog Discussions
      I am planning to neutor my dog. He is 7 months old and the vet recommends it. But the thing is , he is really good with the potty . hardly never misses the weewee pad. Im scared if i neutor him it might change his personality or the way i conditioned him. Any thoughts?

      Will neutoring my dog change his personality or they way i trained him?

      Will neutoring my dog change his personality or they way i trained him? General Dog Discussions
    • neutoring your dog is highly recommended if you don't plan to ever breed him; keeps from having unwanted puppies. so that is that. as far as changing his personality or training. personality, probably not much; he is young and will still be the same puppy-acting dog, after a couple of days to recover from the surgery of course. as far as training, yes, your dog might have some trouble with his weewee for a few days after the surgery; that is a natural result of the surgery; he might have trouble controlling himself and you will have to keep an eye on him and be patient; but after a few days he should be be back to normal. just give him some time and he'll be the same dog. get him neutered!

    • Of course, every dog is different - but I'd said you can follow the general guideline for neutering.....DO IT!Neutering your dog will most likely not change anything about him - except his reproductive capabilities :) Being an AKC-registered breeder and owner of a Boxer Rescue, I can tell you I've had many dogs spayed and neutered - including my own after breeding. Nothing changes! In fact, with some males, it can actually help them from marking their terrority (spraying).I can understand your hesitancy to ruin a good thing with your dog, but I think you're making the right decision by neutering. He should take a couple of days to fully recover but won't miss a beat :)

    • Don't be afraid of changes.13yrs now since our dog visited the vet for that. He is a super old guy yet, never any problems. Remember having this done could well save his life as he will be less likely to run about. More content as the call of the wild won't bother him. So many dogs get lost, picked up by animal control or hit in thee roadways simple because they are out looking for a mate. Your dog will be calmer & more attentive to you. It is a the best thing you can do for him.