Hard time after putting my dog to sleep?

Yesterday I had to put my 17 y/o dog to sleep.I've had him since he was 2 and never thought it would be so hard losing him.He was suffering from very bad arthritis and yesterday he woke up and couldn't walk or lift his head. We decided it might be his…

    Hard time after putting my dog to sleep?

    Yesterday I had to put my 17 y/o dog to sleep.I've had him since he was 2 and never thought it would be so hard losing him.He was suffering from very bad arthritis and yesterday he woke up and couldn't walk or lift his head. We decided it might be his…...
    General Dog Discussions : Hard time after putting my dog to sleep?...

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    • Hard time after putting my dog to sleep?

      Hard time after putting my dog to sleep? General Dog Discussions
      Yesterday I had to put my 17 y/o dog to sleep.I've had him since he was 2 and never thought it would be so hard losing him.He was suffering from very bad arthritis and yesterday he woke up and couldn't walk or lift his head. We decided it might be his time to go so we called our vet and he agreed to see us.We got to his office and asked him to look him over,to ensure we were doing the right thing.The vet took a few xrays and confirmed that there was no way he would ever be able to walk,or even move,pain free again.So we told him to go with the euthanasia.My wife kissed him on the head and said goodbye and left,but I couldn't let him go to sleep alone. I held him while the vet gave him the shot and it was so peaceful. Right before he passed he looked at me and kissed my face,as if saying goodbye,then he was gone.I'm a 35 year old man and I was crying like a baby,even today I am at work and teary eyed.Anyone else ever feel this way after losing their pet? I am having a hard time coping.

      Hard time after putting my dog to sleep?

      Hard time after putting my dog to sleep? General Dog Discussions
    • Anyone who loved their pet feels the way you do. My family lost 2 out of our 3 dogs last year to freak medical complications and it was the worst summer we ever had. The only thing I can suggest is just to let some time pass, it will get better. Maybe in a couple of months think about getting a new dog. While he/she won't replace the one you lost, they can start a new bond with you.

    • You have my deepest sympathy! I felt this way after each of my 3 (within 2 years - too close in age, I'll never do THAT again). If you can talk with people about it, it seems to help. Although, i couldn't talk or i would immediately tear up and couldn't really talk. See the link for info on grieving pet loss.

    • Of course you are going to feel the loss of your beloved pet. You had him a very long time and bonds form. It is not unusual for someone to feel the grief. I did when I lost a pet she was the first one I had that was truly mine. It still hurts and it's been years.... It gets easier with time...

    • I have been through that a few times and yes, it is hard for me too. I cry like a baby for days and days and it doesn't get easier each time you have to do it. It does get better with time though. Bless you for being there with him when he went. I think dogs understand so much more than we give them credit for and he knew it was his time, but I bet it was so comforting for him to have you there. Dogs seem to just know things and they have a way of communicating. I'm sure that last lick was his goodbye and his way of thanking you for a wonderful life. What comforts me is just knowing that I gave that dog more love than any dog could ever need, and that is a wonderful gift.

    • I did the same thing this morning, it is one of the hardest things I've ever done. My heart goes out to you in the time. When I put down my girl, she looked me in the eyes before she went, and I knew it was the best thing I could have ever done. I do have a new puppy that is rapily growing and she eases the pain. I hope you are doing better.

    • Oh, how your story brought back memories. My beloved Skip has been gone now almost 2 years and it is so very hard. We have thought about another dog, but, don't think we are ready. I feel I would be comparing it to him. Time makes it tolerable just like the death of any loved one. Eventually, you will look through the pictures of his growing up and remember what a joy and great companion he was. My heart goes out to you.

    • Im really sorry for your loss, friend. I cant imagine what it is like to put a family pet down. I think that you did the right thing though, and from what you said, sounds like your dog knew it was time too. Rather than be upset about your pets death, you should celebrate his life and the good times you shared with him. Its a good way to release the pain. Feel better soon X

    • My heart goes out to you. Yes, I've had to do the same for one of my babies that was 18 yrs old. No matter what, its very difficult. I'm glad you stayed with him at the end. The only advise I can give you is that it does get better with time. You will never forget him but one day you will be able to think of him and talk about him without quite so much pain and with more happiness and fondness of the wonderful years you shared. Give yourself time to grieve. And then honor your dog's memory by adopting another. No other dog will ever take the place of the one you lost and I am not suggesting that. But having another to love and be loved by, will help you heal and will be a way of saying to your dog "You added so much to my life that I want to always have a dog at my side". I'm so sorry for your loss. Remember, he is waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge and you will be together again some day. God Bless.

    • I lost my dog last summer and I was a total mess. My husband was too. It is undecidable the pain and loss that you feel after a pet dies. I found that for me the best way to cope was to get another dog to direct my love and affection to. Everyone is different about when they are able to move on so just listen to your heart. Cry as much as needed, you have to get it out and anyone who doesn't understand isn't worth worrying about. I am so sorry for your loss, good luck.

    • yes, i did. i remember having to say goodbye to my pet Scruffy. had her for 13 years, so she grew up with me and i couldn't let her go alone either. I felt exactly how you do now, and you'll feel this way for a few days, if not weeks. best advice i can offer is just to let yourself feel the way you do, it sounds strange, but its easier than 'trying to be strong' the feeling will pass, you'll never stop missing him or loving him, but in time it gets easier to deal with.I'm sorry for your loss and i hope you recover soon.xx

    • I cant even read what you wrote without tearing up. I'm sorry for your loss. I hope that you can find it in yourself to know that you did the right thing. I completely understand how you feel. I would be a wreak if I was you. sometimes I wish that I never got our dog, because i know that one day i will have to say goodbye.dogs are really like a member of the family. get him a real nice 'in memory' of frame. i hope you and your wife feel better about it soon.

    • it is very hard to put your pet down, i work in a vet clinic i see people struggling with the whole idea of it, you did the right thing though, its okay to mourn the loss of your pet. each day will get better and you realize that yea, you did do the right thing. your dog couldn't control his pain ,that was up to you as the master, that's your ultimate job when you decide to get a pet you take care of to the end .

    • Jake, I am so sorry to hear about your buddy. It was very kind of you to stay right with him to the very end. You gave him a very loving goodbye and he went to sleep in peace, knowing how much his daddy loves him.To answer your question: Everyone who loves their pets have a hard time with this. Honestly, it feels no different than when you lose a human loved one, and the grieving process is the same. Just like with human loss, it gets easier over time, but you wll always love him and never forget him.

    • My mother sheilded my from seeing that with my childhood dog. I'm pretty sure when my (current) dog goes, I'll be a blubbery mess too. They are a part of your life, a constant friend and companion, and really like family. You were right to be right there to say goodbye to your dog, even though it probably made it harder on you. He'd stay with you to the end, I'm glad you decided to be with him until the end. Losing someone is tough for anyone, and anybody who tells you 'its just a dog' obviously never loved their dog like you did.

    • I'm pushing 50, myself ... and it's getting farther away :-)Burying our 17 y/o dog last summer was hard on me, too, although she died naturally -- got feeble, lost bladder control, and eventually took a nap and didn't wake up ... on Father's Day. End of life for something I've cared for, something that's a daily part of my life, has never been easy, whether it's flushing a goldfish or euthanising a cat.You suffer from the ability to love. Welcome to the human race -- and keep it up. It hurts, but it doesn't hurt nearly as much as *not* loving.Talk to your wife, collect hugs, and do whatever you think might help -- you're likely to be right.

    • eYes, I had to do the same with my dog of 15yrs. some time ago. It took me months to pick up his bowls, I still have many of his toys. Years to get another dog who I'm holding right now, because she is ill ( progressive heart failure). I can say it takes a long time, I guess I hope that I saved him some pain, I do believe he thought it was his time to go, cause he was a nasty little guy. But the day I thought it was time he sat on my chest groomed me completely, did the same to my boyfriend who I thought he didn't like & took a nap, it was like he said goodbye the bst he could - now I'm crying thinking @ facing that agaiin.

    • ***Awwww, I can just imagine what you are going through he was your baby. I'm sure he felt the love you had for him. Just know that he is in a good place and isn't suffering anymore; but cry all you want. Our little Peanut is 18 years old, although she is still extremely spry for her age I know that some day we will lose her.

    • I feel your pain and have shed a few tears of my own for you. I had a dog for 16 years and had to do the same thing. I had a cat that I had to put down after 11 years and it was just as painful. Our pets become a part of our family and unfortunately most of the time we outlive our pets and have to say goodbye. It took me a while to have pets again because of that but....after a while the pain heals and you have wonderful memories to reflect on....I know I sure do.We now have a spoiled rotten 1 year old cat who thinks she is a dog and a 3 1/2 old puppy who is super funny, and full of love. It's a joy to have them both....I still get scared at the thought of getting too attached and losing them but life it too short to deprive yourself of the unconditional love that pets offer. I hope that you and your wife support eachother during this very difficult time. I'm truly sorry for your loss.