Hard time after putting my dog to sleep?

Yesterday I had to put my 17 y/o dog to sleep.I've had him since he was 2 and never thought it would be so hard losing him.He was suffering from very bad arthritis and yesterday he woke up and couldn't walk or lift his head. We decided it might be his…

    Hard time after putting my dog to sleep?

    Yesterday I had to put my 17 y/o dog to sleep.I've had him since he was 2 and never thought it would be so hard losing him.He was suffering from very bad arthritis and yesterday he woke up and couldn't walk or lift his head. We decided it might be his…...
    General Dog Discussions : Hard time after putting my dog to sleep?...

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    • I know how you feel. We had to put our 3 year old male Standard Poodle to sleep in February due to Leukemia. He was so young! It is never easy.Check out this page on my Standard Poodle website about dealing with Pet Loss. Also, read this poem below. I found it right after we lost Bob.... if he wakes in Your arms...by R. A. S. I can hardly see through my tears... today I sent my best friend of years and years somewhere he had to go, where pain and sickness he won't have to know. He's been with me ever since he was a pup... today I've had to give him up. He was sick, we both knew it and I wouldn't put him through it. Thinking back to the day my wife brought him, I told her then that I didn't want him... "Noise and mess and bills to pay!" - I can't believe I felt that way. Didn't know that in the end, he would be my dearest friend. Didn't know that he would be the greatest gift that came to me. How did one like me deserve a friend who wanted just to serve? What was there that made him love me, with nobody else above me? When I looked into his eyes, never did he criticize, never did he hold a grudge, never did he try to judge. Recently, an anxious day. "How come you don't want to play?"Took him to the vet to see what might be wrong with my "puppy". Worse by far than I expected, fatal illness was detected. Nothing much that we could do but keep him comfy til he's through. Back at home I tried to tell him of the bad luck that befell him All I could see in his eyes was wondering why his master cries. I don't think he understood - his eyes just asked "Wasn't I good?""How come now I make you sad? Let me kiss and hug you, dad!"Two last weeks I had to try to find a way to say goodbye. In that time I told him more than I ever had before just how much I loved my pup, how it hurt to give him up. How though gone, he'd always be inside my heart, a part of me. Then today was no mistaking, I made the decision, my heart was breaking. I called and asked the vet to come by - I didn't have to tell him why. He arrived in awhile and asked "Are you ready?" I sighed, I nodded, I felt so unsteady. Got down on the floor by my boy who was dying, and I just didn't care if the vet saw me crying. As my pup slipped away, the last things he felt were the kisses and hugs of his master who knelt On that "blankie" beside him to bid him goodbye, who had just one more minute to tell him, to try to say thanks to his boy for a lifetime of love.... "Dear God, let me see him in heaven above! But for now Lord, please hold him, watch over his rest... if he wakes in Your arms tell him I love him best."http://www.standardpoodlesusa.com/pet-loss.html

    • Jake,I'm so sorry. We lost our first Rottweiler at age 12 for the same reason. I've stayed with every one I've had to put down, just can't bear to let them go alone. It's a very hard thing to do, even though it's time. Just know that you did the right thing by your dog....in time, you won't cry as much, the pain will lessen. But it won't ever go away, at least it hasn't for me. It's been almost 3 years since we lost Chico, and sometimes I swear, I wake up and think he's still here...Take your time and grieve, my friend, don't worry about what anyone else thinks. They didn't love your dog like you did.

    • I have been there & I understand. Our pets are part of our families--it's okay to grieve for them. It takes time to get over it, just as w/ any other loss. It's been over 10 years since I had my beloved dog, Marshmallow, put to sleep. I had no other choice but it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I still get 'a lump in my throat' when I think of her--she was very special & I haven't wanted another dog since.My heart goes out to you in this sad time, it will get easier as time goes by. Be @ peace, you made the right choice by loving enough to let go.(((((hugs)))))

    • i had a dog that i had to put to sleep. i loved her a lot. i went out of the room when they gave her the shot. i was very sad. i would suggest getting another dog. that cheered me up. but i was still sad.

    • You are not alone. i went through the exact thing with my 16 years with a poodle. He has a beautifull grave site in the back yard, with head stone and nice annual spring flowers. Took quit awhile1. Yes! I am being stared at right now by my 11 year old poodle, who wants my attention right now. Took two month to accept him because i didn't want to get hurt again. We still pause (no pun intended) at my old friends grave site, and remember an old friend. Guess what - still bring atear to my eyes. When you get home visit "Rainbow Bridge" on your computer. should help.Good Luck!

    • I am so sorry to hear of your loss and can completely understand how you are feeling right now. Your pet was a very important part of your life and facing each day without him is probably overwhelming you right now. Two years ago my husband and I had to put our beloved boxer to sleep. She was only 9 years old but had been a very significant part of our lives and our kids growing up. We still think about her standing at the door to welcome us home to this very day. We still talk about how she made us laugh and things she used to do. Time will help you deal with your grief but you will probably think about your faithful friend every single day. We haven't replaced our boxer yet but that might be something you can think about doing to help get you through this. We have friends that just put their dog down a week ago and they now have a new puppy in their lives. What a joy that puppy is! I will pray for you and hope each day will get better.

    • I am sorry that you had to say goodbye to your dog. I lost my dog in an accident and it took me a long time to get over it. I think that what you are feeling is completely normal given the circumstances.Dogs connect with their owners in ways that non-pet people cannot understand. Your dog was in your life for 15 years! He was a loving, loyal friend who never asked for anything unreasonable.I think you should write yourself a letter from your dog. I know this sounds corny, but it really helped me. I wrote to myself rom Darcy's (my dog) point of view... you know, how he missed me, but how he loved the time we had together.Give yourself a few days, even a week or two and if you still have trouble, check out pet grieving groups in your area. Believe it or not, there are actually support groups for people who have lost a pet.Good luck. It's hard to say goodbye to any friend, canine or otherwise.

    • You will and it is hard. I am so sorry but you did the right thing, I am sure you know that. Time will help, it really does. Try and think of good memories and try not to think of yesterday ( as hard as that will be) Maybe the kiss when your pup left was also to say thank you for helping him out of the pain as well as good bye. I put my little one down last year and would you believe I still get teary eyed when I hear of someone else going through it and I think of her. I do think of the fun times and silly times and it helps, everyday is easier. I started to foster and the new little ones coming in and helping them get homes helps also. All I can say is give it time. I am so sorry you went through this. Take care.

    • I am so sorry. It's hard losing a pet, especially suddenly, because they bc they become members of our family. You're dealing wtih bereavement, and, unfortunately, only time can heal. I think the fact that you have reached out for support is good. Please continue to do that in your offline life. I'm sure you will find more support than you realise.

    • I gave everybody a thumbs up because of the love and the compassion they oozed in their responses. My response will just be a repeat of the same, but you loss did remind me of when I was five years old, a neighbor provoked our German Shepherd, Lassie, to anger to the point that she broke her chain and bit him. Though that fool deserved it, we were forced to put Lassie down. I cried over her for several days. She was a very good watchdog and protector.Although I did not lose my dog the way you did,(my neighbor down the street had her dog put down because of the EXACT same conditions that your dog suffered) it is okay to grieve. Dogs are kinda like children on four legs. They are very loving and sweet and naturally you have 17 years of love and emotion invested in him. If you feel that you grief is to the point that it is hampering your day to day routines, then you may want to see a counselor. Otherwise, your grief is normal. You really did him a favor and I think he knew that because he looked at you and kissed your face. When there has been enough time from your grief, then if you like, you can go and adopt a new dog and make some new memories with a new best friend.

    • You have my complete sympathy, im so sorry for your loss......you are grieving for a member of your family. At least he is not suffering any more. I don't know what to tell you to make you feel better that doesnt sound corny, but time will help you. I will pray for you & your baby.....

    • omgmy deepest symapthies are with youit is hard to lose an animalit is almost like a person, or a childthe bonds you have sharedjust remeber he is peaceful now, no pains cuz of arthiritisi lost my hamster on sep. 1it was very sad we all cried like babieseven my dad even tho he turned 1 year oldit is always sad to lose someone you care aboutbest of luck

    • after i read this, i started crying lol. i hate it when animals dye! i have a dog that's 12 years old and she's been having diarrea and pooping on our carpet. we think that she's started to "fail". i'm gonna cry when she dyes! we also have a cat and i would cry too is she died. i feel bad for u.

    • Sorry to hear about your beloved pet and yes lots of people have gone through what you are going through now. We've all been there and it is a horrible thing that only time will heal. Just know that you did the right thing for your trusted friend and companion. Here is a little poem that you might find comforting.PUT ME TO RESTTime to let me go my friend,Because my life no-one can mend,Its better to let me go this way,Than watch me suffer night and day.I'm happy to go, my time has come,My quality of life is no longer fun,Ive been so ill, so its not a bad thing,To let me go forever resting.Stay with me till I drift away,Fast asleep forever I pray,To relieve me from suffering and pain,What more can I ask from my best friend.Don't be sad, I'll be free from pain,Never to be ill ever again,I know you'll miss me being there,But all the memories you have to share.Thankyou for being my best friend,And all my needs that you did tend,Try not to be sad, try not to cry,Now's the time to say GOODBYE.