My dog chews his.....?

.... back paws, he is a jack russle mix, and hyper. He doesn't draw blood or any thing, and he licks them and then chews on them for a bit. Is he just cleaning them or should I be worried about him.Oh he is two years old and chews up every thing he can…

    My dog chews his.....?

    .... back paws, he is a jack russle mix, and hyper. He doesn't draw blood or any thing, and he licks them and then chews on them for a bit. Is he just cleaning them or should I be worried about him.Oh he is two years old and chews up every thing he can…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog chews his.....?...

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    • My dog chews his.....?

      My dog chews his.....? General Dog Discussions
      .... back paws, he is a jack russle mix, and hyper. He doesn't draw blood or any thing, and he licks them and then chews on them for a bit. Is he just cleaning them or should I be worried about him.Oh he is two years old and chews up every thing he can get ( money, passports, pens, chairs, the sofa and so forth). He has a lot off toys so i know he ain't board, I take him on a 2 mile walk every day as-well. Any answers are appreciated. tyvm.

      My dog chews his.....?

      My dog chews his.....? General Dog Discussions
    • Jack Russell's are high energy dogs, I doubt a 2 mile walk once a day will suffice their energy needs.A dog is going to chew on anything it can get. It's a dog, if you don't want it possibly choking or swallowing something that can result in fatality, I suggest you move your pens, money..ect. If the dog is chewing on sofa's and chairs and stuff, I'd correct him when he does so.Get a squirt bottle, fill it with water, when the dog is chewing on something it's not not supposed to, squirt him until he ceases and runs away. Water is "harmless" and the spray should frighten/surprise the dog. More exercise would be good, more interesting toys, kongs filled w/ peanut butter or rawhide chews would be good..ectExcessive chewing of the paws could indicate allergies, I'd take him to the Vet for a check-up, just in case. Once the Vet is ruled out, I'd get him some extra curricular activities to keep him busy.