Traveling from Los Angeles to Copenhagen with 2 dogs through UK?

Hi,I have been trying to get information about this for quite some time now. We are two people that are taking one dog each with us to go and visit our relatives in Sweden for X-mas this year. I know what kind of papers the dogs needs and everything that…

    Traveling from Los Angeles to Copenhagen with 2 dogs through UK?

    Hi,I have been trying to get information about this for quite some time now. We are two people that are taking one dog each with us to go and visit our relatives in Sweden for X-mas this year. I know what kind of papers the dogs needs and everything that…...
    General Dog Discussions : Traveling from Los Angeles to Copenhagen with 2 dogs through UK?...

    • Traveling from Los Angeles to Copenhagen with 2 dogs through UK?

      Traveling from Los Angeles to Copenhagen with 2 dogs through UK? General Dog Discussions
      Hi,I have been trying to get information about this for quite some time now. We are two people that are taking one dog each with us to go and visit our relatives in Sweden for X-mas this year. I know what kind of papers the dogs needs and everything that needs to be done with them before the flights. Now to the tricky part! Some people has been telling us that IF we will go through UK on our way to Copenhagen, we are not going to be allowed to have the dogs in the cabin ( they both weigh less than 10lbs each!) and/or the will take them away from us to be put in a quarantine,EVEN though we would have all the necessary papers. Is this true?We are already looking for flights but it seems to be mostly only through UK if we wouldn't pay the double price for our own tickets.Can someone please help us with this? I did find another one that goes through Istanbul but I havent heard anything on what their rules are.

      Traveling from Los Angeles to Copenhagen with 2 dogs through UK?

      Traveling from Los Angeles to Copenhagen with 2 dogs through UK? General Dog Discussions
    • Check with the airlines about taking them in the cabin, they may just need to be in a small carrier that has to fit under the seat.Check with your vet for the papers for travel, it's like getting a human's passport - they just want to know your dogs won't bring in any strange illness.