ok so im going to mexico for xmas and its like has soo much dirt ova der and i have two other dogs there one of them already had babies YAY but what im worried bout is that he will get dirty what should i do?Also we are driving there it takes 3 days in…


    ok so im going to mexico for xmas and its like has soo much dirt ova der and i have two other dogs there one of them already had babies YAY but what im worried bout is that he will get dirty what should i do?Also we are driving there it takes 3 days in…...
    General Dog Discussions : AHHH UR SOOO DIRTY HELP!!?...


      AHHH UR SOOO DIRTY HELP!!? General Dog Discussions
      ok so im going to mexico for xmas and its like has soo much dirt ova der and i have two other dogs there one of them already had babies YAY but what im worried bout is that he will get dirty what should i do?Also we are driving there it takes 3 days in a half so do i take him out every hour also what supplies do i take for my dog ......SORRY FOR SO MANY QUESTIONSim working on the passports they might give it to us this week SO YAY and all answers are great!


      AHHH UR SOOO DIRTY HELP!!? General Dog Discussions
    • Ok...if your worred about your dogs getting dirty, then why don't you buy them a cute little dog outfit, to keep there fur clean. Yeah the shirt may get dirty, but at least your dog is clean. Or try giving him a bath lots of times.....or if you dont wanna do all that, take her to the vet, and keep her there, until you get back. or just take a trip to hawaii.........its more clean over there

    • vet checks & passports for your pets are a must before travel. make sure that is done first. a 3 day trip is a long way to travel. the easiest way for you to avoid all of this mess if to take your pets to a vet or kennel while you're away. if you're determined to take your pets with you, make sure they travel in a kennel. stop every couple of hours so that they can use the bathroom & get a little exercise. as in keeping them clean, puppies are kept clean by their mother & don't need to be bathed. their skin is very sensitive & could be irritated by the soap. if you decide to bathe your puppies, make sure they are at least 6weeks old & only bathe them every 2 or 3 weeks. as for your dogs, a bath once or twice a week while in mexico should be fine. bathe them once more before you make your way back home.