Please give the important and basic points of Dog adaption?

I and my husband are planning to adopt a dog from ASPCA. This will be our first pet. Can you please help me to know what are the basic things we need to check when we are adopting a dog from ASPCA. How we know about a good Vet in our locality? Do we need…

    Please give the important and basic points of Dog adaption?

    I and my husband are planning to adopt a dog from ASPCA. This will be our first pet. Can you please help me to know what are the basic things we need to check when we are adopting a dog from ASPCA. How we know about a good Vet in our locality? Do we need…...
    General Dog Discussions : Please give the important and basic points of Dog adaption?...

    • Please give the important and basic points of Dog adaption?

      Please give the important and basic points of Dog adaption? General Dog Discussions
      I and my husband are planning to adopt a dog from ASPCA. This will be our first pet. Can you please help me to know what are the basic things we need to check when we are adopting a dog from ASPCA. How we know about a good Vet in our locality? Do we need to just google or the adoption centre will guide us?

      Please give the important and basic points of Dog adaption?

      Please give the important and basic points of Dog adaption? General Dog Discussions
    • google works, but the adoption center will be able to tell you all of that. just look for good structure in your dog, good temperment. don't pick a dog that is afraid of you. just tell them what you are looking for in your dog, for example energetic dog, laid-back dog, family dog, etc, and they will suggest dogs that would be good for you.

    • I work for a shelter and one of the biggest mistake people make is not knowing anything about the breed they are getting they just go by looks. Take the time to check out all the dogs. Even the ones that do not catch your eye. They may be the perfect one for you. Walk as many as you can. Spend time with them. Look for one that calms down quickly once out of the cage. Try to talk to someone that works with the dogs daily the person behind the counter may not know the dogs as well as the person who cleans the cages and handles the dogs everyday. I know that is the case where I work I work with the dogs I clean the cages and handle them so I know more the personality of the dog then the girls behind the counter.Ask if there is any history on the dog where it came from if the previous owner surrendered the dog did they give any info.

    • They'll check with you on the adoption form whether or not you rent or own. If you rent you need approval in writing from your landlord. YOU need to make sure the dog looks healthy, coat good, eyes clear, no nasal or rear end discharge. Friendly, patient and able to be handled. Ask them if anything triggers the dog into barking or acting aggressive. Ask if they checked if the dog is food and/or toy aggressive. How is the dog with other animals, especially cats and kids. Has the dog had any obedience training.Ask your coworkers for vet suggestions. Get some dog owner books from the library, and go through them. Start obedience training soon as the dog comes home and has had time to aclimatize. At the vets ask how to groom the dog, care for the teeth, cut the nails and what to watch for in regards to illness. How to clean the ears is another good thing to know.