How long does it take for a Chihuahua to have her puppies?

I got a Chihuahua that got pregnant approximately two months ago not breeding them just she got in heat and a dog that was very very persistent came to my yard and well got her pregnant well I wanna know how long does it take for a a Chihuahua to have…

    How long does it take for a Chihuahua to have her puppies?

    I got a Chihuahua that got pregnant approximately two months ago not breeding them just she got in heat and a dog that was very very persistent came to my yard and well got her pregnant well I wanna know how long does it take for a a Chihuahua to have…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long does it take for a Chihuahua to have her puppies?...

    • How long does it take for a Chihuahua to have her puppies?

      How long does it take for a Chihuahua to have her puppies? General Dog Discussions
      I got a Chihuahua that got pregnant approximately two months ago not breeding them just she got in heat and a dog that was very very persistent came to my yard and well got her pregnant well I wanna know how long does it take for a a Chihuahua to have her puppies

      How long does it take for a Chihuahua to have her puppies?

      How long does it take for a Chihuahua to have her puppies? General Dog Discussions
    • The normal range is 59-65 days after breeding, 63 is the average.WHY didn't you ask the vet this question?You have a breed of dog that very often has complications while whelping - read the options at 2am will be a $2000+ surgery and a 50% chance she or any pups will live OR just putting her down right then and there, especially since she was probably bred by a larger dog and because she is owned by someone who hasn't take the last two months to do basic research and won't know how to help, and she didn't receive proper pre-natal care.Call the vet NOW and set up an appointment to:(1) Determine if she is actually pregnant(2) Determine the likelihood that she will need a c-section or other emergency intervention(3) Learn the VERY BASICS of what "normal" and "emergency" look like during labor(4) Learn the VERY BASICS of how to properly care for neonates and a lactating damGood luck... you need every bit of luck you can get.As soon as those pups are weaned (assuming that she lives) please get her spayed. You are CLEARLY not in a position where you can keep an intact animal without "accidents".