Anyone know the price ranges for having a gastrointestinal blockage removed from a dog?

My poor dog has not been keeping food down over the past 12 hours and just recently she won't keep water down either. My guess is that she has a blockage although doesn't seem to be in any sort of physical discomfort. I will obviously be taking her…

    Anyone know the price ranges for having a gastrointestinal blockage removed from a dog?

    My poor dog has not been keeping food down over the past 12 hours and just recently she won't keep water down either. My guess is that she has a blockage although doesn't seem to be in any sort of physical discomfort. I will obviously be taking her…...
    General Dog Discussions : Anyone know the price ranges for having a gastrointestinal blockage removed from a dog?...

    • Anyone know the price ranges for having a gastrointestinal blockage removed from a dog?

      Anyone know the price ranges for having a gastrointestinal blockage removed from a dog? General Dog Discussions
      My poor dog has not been keeping food down over the past 12 hours and just recently she won't keep water down either. My guess is that she has a blockage although doesn't seem to be in any sort of physical discomfort. I will obviously be taking her into the Vet ASAP but was wondering what I may be looking at in costs related to evaluation and removal of a blockage...OR...if anyone has any other ideas as to what might be wrong w/ her. Boxer/Pit mix. Current on all vaccinations. General demanor is normal, energetic. Seems a little reserved as she just got sick all over my floor....

      Anyone know the price ranges for having a gastrointestinal blockage removed from a dog?

      Anyone know the price ranges for having a gastrointestinal blockage removed from a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Chronic vomiting surely indicates a blockage, or severe enteritis/pancreatitis. You are looking at a price for diagnostics and treatments ranging anywhere from $400 to $2000, depending on the severity of the situation. Don't skimp on diagnostics, though, the most clear diagnosis ensures the best recovery.

    • You will not know if this is the problem until you get her to the vets. If it is a blockage then it will not be cheep. But then your dog is prioceless to you. Get her in and see if that is really the problem.