What types of dogs can live utside?

I am going to build a small house for a dog outside. But I don't want one to be freezing cold. So do you know which dogs won't be freezing and think it's not too bad. Because where I live it snows. The dog can't go in the house cuz my mom's alergic. So…

    What types of dogs can live utside?

    I am going to build a small house for a dog outside. But I don't want one to be freezing cold. So do you know which dogs won't be freezing and think it's not too bad. Because where I live it snows. The dog can't go in the house cuz my mom's alergic. So…...
    General Dog Discussions : What types of dogs can live utside?...

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    • What types of dogs can live utside?

      What types of dogs can live utside? General Dog Discussions
      I am going to build a small house for a dog outside. But I don't want one to be freezing cold. So do you know which dogs won't be freezing and think it's not too bad. Because where I live it snows. The dog can't go in the house cuz my mom's alergic. So do you know what dogs won't be cold even in the snow and winter. Thank you for answering.

      What types of dogs can live utside?

      What types of dogs can live utside? General Dog Discussions
    • How about a Siberian Husky. Or hybrid Wolf. Sounds very sad for the dog being so isolated and lonely. Dogs usually like to hang out with their pack, either dog or human. Why not get another pet besides a dog. There are so many. There are special cats they sell that are made for people with allergies. Their hair does not cause allergies.

    • don't bother, a dog should be part of the family not wasting away in some dog house because some little kid brought it homeEDIT: to the person who suggested a wolf hybrid: are you out of your freaking mind? i have a hybrid and they need triple the socialization of your average dog, keeping one outside is asking for trouble

    • None!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Why in the world would you buy a dog only for it to live outside in a box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If you cant keep it inside, dont get one!

    • None.Like the first answerer said, dogs are pack oriented. They need to be with their pack. I know someone who has 3 mastiffs and a siberian in the house because you and your family are the dogs pack.Don't bother getting one if you're just going to confine it outside. It isn't fair to the dog.

    • I don't agree with 'outside' dogs. But if that's what you're going to do. Get going on research. You need to research breeds that can handle the climate changes...not just the extreme cold but the heat in the summer also.You need to research you local law about keeping your dog(s) outdoors. There will be specifics about shelter and room.You will need to find the best way to insulate the dog house. Just building one isn't enough, it needs to be insulated from the heat and cold.Good luck!

    • We had a chow chow that stayed outside, we had to FORCE him inside at night. He just LOVED it outside. We lived on 6 fenced acres at the time and he loved it, chasing bunnies, digging holes (until we taught him to stop). Maybe find a older dog that has lived outside before. mayowood.com raises their pups outside. Have cocker's ready now. (i wanted one, but decided against) boxer's are okay in hot and cold. can you bring inside to a crate at night?

    • I have never understood the "outdoor dog" mentality. Why get a dog if he/she is relegated to outside! If your mother is that allergic perhaps you should rethink your choice of pets, maybe fish? It's merely my opinion but I would never subject a dog to being away from the family and in my experience outside dogs have a tendency to be forgotten about after a time.

    • well...... there are hypo allergynic dogs..... that means that ur mom wont be allergic to it..... i have a hypoalergynic dog because my mom is alergic to animals that shed.... i am too... I have a Havaneese (they are hypo allergynic) also shitsu dogs are hypoalergynic too!!!!!! if the dog has to stay outside id get a huskie though..... I hope i could help=)

    • Dogs with a thick coat: Labs, German Shephards and Huskies should be Ok outside. Ask your local vet, he should be aware of that info. As for the house, of course give him water but not too much. Buy a water bottle with a feeder-ball in the nozzle. And attach a curtain on the dog house door to make sure he's blocked from the wind.

    • Before I begin - evaluate how much time you are going to be spending with the dog - I know of outside dogs who have more people time than inside dogs, but those dogs live on farms, spend all their time with the farmer, and are not confined to a backyard, or tied up, essentially, a very happy dog.But, in your case, where you are probably not that old, are planning on putting the dog in the backyard, you probably should research very carefully if you are actually ready to get a dog. Dogs that are left in the backyard, usually don't get enough socializing, which makes for scary mean dogs, or super scared dogs, either of which are prone to biting. Instead of getting a dog, why not volunteer at your local humane society? That way, you get your dog fix, you don't have to worry about the dog being outside, and you are doing a good deed that always looks good on a resume or college application.

    • any dog can live outside but now it is illegal at least where i live to have a dog outside all day and night even on a chain, a dog is family so if you cannot bring it inside when its to hot or to cold do not even bother , if you already have the dog ,find it a good home if you dont already have one do not get one

    • With the information you've given, it's best for you not to have a dog. You might want to look into some dogs which are better choices for people with allergies, such as a poodle, and then the dog can stay indoors. Your mom may still face allergies, even with a poodle. Otherwise, a dog is not a good pet for you.