How to care for a dog that's on her hear cycle?

My dog is currently on her very first heat cycle, and she's bleeding everywhere!! What can I do to care for her during this time until it's over? Any tips? Advice?Also, before I get flamed for not spaying her yet, she IS going to be spayed soon, we…

    How to care for a dog that's on her hear cycle?

    My dog is currently on her very first heat cycle, and she's bleeding everywhere!! What can I do to care for her during this time until it's over? Any tips? Advice?Also, before I get flamed for not spaying her yet, she IS going to be spayed soon, we…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to care for a dog that's on her hear cycle?...

    • How to care for a dog that's on her hear cycle?

      How to care for a dog that's on her hear cycle? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is currently on her very first heat cycle, and she's bleeding everywhere!! What can I do to care for her during this time until it's over? Any tips? Advice?Also, before I get flamed for not spaying her yet, she IS going to be spayed soon, we recently adopted her at a shelter, so she is in line to get spayed, but until then, we have to deal with THIS xDThanks for your help.

      How to care for a dog that's on her hear cycle?

      How to care for a dog that's on her hear cycle? General Dog Discussions
    • Put some doggy diapers on her and don't let her out of the house unsupervised. If you have a chain link fence yard, take her out on the leash. If male dogs are even in the area they will literally lose their mind and do anything to get to the female - they can smell her for miles. So if you see other dogs, take her inside.Another option is find a vet who can spay sooner, I've never heard of any dog having to wait in line to be spayed/neutered.

    • You can buy "panties" from a pet store to cover her up so it is less messy. Make sure that she cannot get out of her yard or that anyone else can get in.

    • good for you for adopting, and good for spaying :)Until then, you can easily find "doggy diapers" or "doggy wraps" at pretty much any pet store. They make ones specifically for females in heat that are either washable or disposable (whichever you prefer to use).Here's an example of a product available for you to use on your dog (they come in sizes anywhere from Xsmall - Xlarge):