My dog ruptured her ACL and now she's drowsy from the anesthesia?

My Cairn Terrier (23 lbs, yes she is quite overweight) got an x-ray on her left hind leg because she was limping. They found that she ruptured her ACL. She is getting surgery on the 17th, 12 days from now. She is drowsy and out of it, how should I care…

    My dog ruptured her ACL and now she's drowsy from the anesthesia?

    My Cairn Terrier (23 lbs, yes she is quite overweight) got an x-ray on her left hind leg because she was limping. They found that she ruptured her ACL. She is getting surgery on the 17th, 12 days from now. She is drowsy and out of it, how should I care…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog ruptured her ACL and now she's drowsy from the anesthesia?...

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    • My dog ruptured her ACL and now she's drowsy from the anesthesia?

      My dog ruptured her ACL and now she's drowsy from the anesthesia? General Dog Discussions
      My Cairn Terrier (23 lbs, yes she is quite overweight) got an x-ray on her left hind leg because she was limping. They found that she ruptured her ACL. She is getting surgery on the 17th, 12 days from now. She is drowsy and out of it, how should I care for her now AND after the surgery? Thanks so much!

      My dog ruptured her ACL and now she's drowsy from the anesthesia?

      My dog ruptured her ACL and now she's drowsy from the anesthesia? General Dog Discussions
    • The best advice that I think is completely necessary is to try to keep her quiet and calm so that she doesn't jump around and hurt herself more. Drowsiness usually wares off in a few hours but on some smaller animals it can take a little bit longer. For now just let her sleep it off. After surgery just do your best to keep her still, don't let her go up or down stairs or jump on furniture. It is still a good idea for her to move it around a little bit to avoid it becoming stiff. Your vet will most likely give you instructions about what you should be careful of after surgery. Hope all goes well and she feels better soon. Good Luck.

    • you can feed her less of what she normally eats tonight and let her rest and tomorrow feed her what she normally eats.After surgery the vet can tell you what to do and say what to eat!