After luxating patella surgery last Nov,our Yorkie has now torn her cruciate ligament,ever hear of it happen?

She's 4 years old. Last Oct she was diagnosed with bilateral luxating patella (both hind legs),we have pet insurance so it was covered. Got approval for both legs. Two ops needed to be done for the luxating patellas, one was done first, the second was…

    After luxating patella surgery last Nov,our Yorkie has now torn her cruciate ligament,ever hear of it happen?

    She's 4 years old. Last Oct she was diagnosed with bilateral luxating patella (both hind legs),we have pet insurance so it was covered. Got approval for both legs. Two ops needed to be done for the luxating patellas, one was done first, the second was…...
    General Dog Discussions : After luxating patella surgery last Nov,our Yorkie has now torn her cruciate ligament,ever hear of it happen?...

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    • After luxating patella surgery last Nov,our Yorkie has now torn her cruciate ligament,ever hear of it happen?

      After luxating patella surgery last Nov,our Yorkie has now torn her cruciate ligament,ever hear of it happen? General Dog Discussions
      She's 4 years old. Last Oct she was diagnosed with bilateral luxating patella (both hind legs),we have pet insurance so it was covered. Got approval for both legs. Two ops needed to be done for the luxating patellas, one was done first, the second was due to be done around now. Then today she just went lame in the same leg in which she had had the luxating patella surgery on. Walking around holding it up, won't let it down. Took her to the vet, he examined her and said she'd torn her cruciate ligament. Of course surgery on her other leg for luxating patella is now off the cards until about next Oct. We still have pet insurance so the cruciate problem is covered as it is a separate condition - even though it is on the same leg and in the same general area. Anyway, have you ever heard of a dog getting both luxating patella and torn cruciate in the same leg within a few months? And do you think the insurance company may try to not approve the op ? Thanks.Vet said the op would cost about $800/$900, we're in Ireland not the US. The luxating patella surgery cost about $1,750. The second one will cost about $1,300 according to the vet. Each insurance claim is covered up to a max of $2,600. We have to pay an excess of $130 on each claim.Our pet insurance premium is very good, only $9 a month. We renewed it after claiming for the luxating patella surgery ($1,750) and it only went up by about literally 50c a month.....

      After luxating patella surgery last Nov,our Yorkie has now torn her cruciate ligament,ever hear of it happen?

      After luxating patella surgery last Nov,our Yorkie has now torn her cruciate ligament,ever hear of it happen? General Dog Discussions
    • No never heard of both of them in the same week, but I'm sure it's happened before.My Lhasa had a torn cruciate, about $800.00 worth, approx 25 yrs ago. I can imagine the price would be steep. The insurance company may "try" and not approve it, but that's what lawyers are for sometimes. [g]You called it right getting Insurance for you dog! I've never, personally, found it cost effective.But your getting your money's worth! I know, you'd rather have her not get all these problems, but since she is, again, good call on the insurance!

    • Yup! Had that happen to me little Chihuahua. Although he had one surgery in which both hind legs were done simultaneously. He had a grade 4 luxation. He healed well and the about 6 mtgs later ,tore his ACL in his right hind leg. Unfortunately I did not have insurance so it was pricey. However in small breed dogs ACL tears don't necessarily require surgery. My dog healed in about 6 wkd with complete rest and confinement. But I can't imagine that you insurance would not pay for it, as you said it's 2 separate injuriesHere's wishing her a speedy recovery and better luck in the future!ADD: You might want a second opinion on surgery for ACL. In small dogs surgery is not always necessary. They can heal with strict rest and confinement. Larger breeds, by their weight and size, must have surgery in order for it to heal. Could be your vet is recommending surgery due to the recent patella surgery, but my dog healed fine without surgery. The luxating patella surgery cost me $2,000 and that was done by an orthopedic vet 4 yrs ago.

    • wow, expensive surgery. Once you have paid your pet premium I can't see why there would be an issue. Stuff happens.I have to tell you though, seems to be thourougbreds suffer way too many illnesses. I have had dogs all my life and mostly the mongrels I had never , ever had a days sickness, whereas the full breeds always cost me a small fortune with one complaint after another. Too much inter breeding here.I won't ever buy a full bred again. Give me a mutt anyday. Have one now who is hardy as fuck , has never had a days sickeness, and will prob outlive me.I do hope your little mutt is ok though. was never a lover of yorkies cos they can be nastly little fcukers but still , would not like to see any in pain or discomfort. You will pay anyways even if the insurance doesnt cover it cos you love her.

    • We have found ligament tears and patella issues when we go in to fix one or the other. This seems to be more of a problem in yorkies than in other breeds. I'm suprised that the ligamnet surgery is les then the patella surgery. Usually the ligament surgery is more involved.