when can i bathe my dog after putting on flea treatment?

i put on my dog flea treatment yesterday is it alright if i bathe my dog tomorrow?how long do you have to wait until you can bathe?????and my dog poo colour is black and really wet. is this bad? am i feeding him something wrong? i feed puppy dry food and…

    when can i bathe my dog after putting on flea treatment?

    i put on my dog flea treatment yesterday is it alright if i bathe my dog tomorrow?how long do you have to wait until you can bathe?????and my dog poo colour is black and really wet. is this bad? am i feeding him something wrong? i feed puppy dry food and…...
    General Dog Discussions : when can i bathe my dog after putting on flea treatment?...

    • when can i bathe my dog after putting on flea treatment?

      when can i bathe my dog after putting on flea treatment? General Dog Discussions
      i put on my dog flea treatment yesterday is it alright if i bathe my dog tomorrow?how long do you have to wait until you can bathe?????and my dog poo colour is black and really wet. is this bad? am i feeding him something wrong? i feed puppy dry food and wet food as well. What is wrong with him?

      when can i bathe my dog after putting on flea treatment?

      when can i bathe my dog after putting on flea treatment? General Dog Discussions
    • Depend on what type of flea treatment you used but most the time its 3 days to wait before bathing. Your puppy's digestive system is getting used to the dog food still so it will be runny until his system gets used to it.

    • You should always speak to a vet about black stools or persistent diarrhea. Black stools often have blood in them from high up in the digestive tract. Persistent diarhhea is often a sign of disease or parasites. The package for the flea treatment should have instruction on it regarding when it is safe to bather the dog or let him get wet. If you don't have the package, 3 days is usually sufficient to wait.