How can i get my dogs outside?

All of a sudden, my dogs wont go out. They are full sized dogs and each weigh about 80 pounds. My mom literally has to drag them outside! They do have shock collars but they have had them for a while. They wont even go out when i throw a treat outside!…

    How can i get my dogs outside?

    All of a sudden, my dogs wont go out. They are full sized dogs and each weigh about 80 pounds. My mom literally has to drag them outside! They do have shock collars but they have had them for a while. They wont even go out when i throw a treat outside!…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can i get my dogs outside?...

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    • How can i get my dogs outside?

      How can i get my dogs outside? General Dog Discussions
      All of a sudden, my dogs wont go out. They are full sized dogs and each weigh about 80 pounds. My mom literally has to drag them outside! They do have shock collars but they have had them for a while. They wont even go out when i throw a treat outside! What do i do?

      How can i get my dogs outside?

      How can i get my dogs outside? General Dog Discussions
    • Maybe there is something outside that is scaring them and that's why they wont go out, but if they are acting strange you might want to look go to the vet. Also try to get them to interact with you and once you drag them outside try to show them there is nothing wrong outside.