How do dogs overpower humans in dog attacks?

Ive never understood how a dog even a fairly big one can overpower a fully grown human being, isn't the human skeleton more stronger and bigger then a dogs skeleton. Also ive heard punching a dog while its attacking you doesnt do much why's that?

    How do dogs overpower humans in dog attacks?

    Ive never understood how a dog even a fairly big one can overpower a fully grown human being, isn't the human skeleton more stronger and bigger then a dogs skeleton. Also ive heard punching a dog while its attacking you doesnt do much why's that?...
    General Dog Discussions : How do dogs overpower humans in dog attacks?...

    • How do dogs overpower humans in dog attacks?

      How do dogs overpower humans in dog attacks? General Dog Discussions
      Ive never understood how a dog even a fairly big one can overpower a fully grown human being, isn't the human skeleton more stronger and bigger then a dogs skeleton. Also ive heard punching a dog while its attacking you doesnt do much why's that?

      How do dogs overpower humans in dog attacks?

      How do dogs overpower humans in dog attacks? General Dog Discussions
    • Most dogs that attack you have been BRED to fight.They ignore pain, and focus on damage.Why? I don't know ~Bad breeding usually.~Bad owners who think biting dogs are a good thing. That they'll "protect the family" despite having absolutely no training. Not even basic obedience.~Abuse~In some notable cases, the dogs have been trained and used as murder weapons.~People think dogs that are capable of murder are cool.~People raise dogs to fight, commit murder, bite people, then think it's funny when they terrorize the neighborhood.~People abandon dogs into the wild "to live out their natural lives", not even giving a thought to the fact the dog has eaten every one of it's meals out of a bowl it's whole life. "Living wild" makes dogs wary and, well, wild. They have no fear of humans, and when the situation calls for it, they can be very aggressive.~How many times have we heard on the news, "OH, my sweetykins would never hurt a fly.", just after said sweetiekins just mauled a child? Denial is a powerful thing.As for the attack itself, it's all about balance. Dogs attack arms, legs and other parts and yank you off balance so you fall. You try standing still when a Rottweiler or a Pitt Bull has you by the arm and is trying to yank of off at the shoulder.LOL!!!

    • Because dogs are PREDATORS they're designed from the ground up to bring down game bigger than they are. A deer has antlers and weighs more than a wolf, yet a lone wolf can bring down a deer. Dogs are stronger than people pound for pound. They have much more muscle per pound than we do. Punching the average dog is going to make him run. Punching a police dog, or trained protection dog is going to make him rip something off.

    • Another way they can do it is to join packs. Dogs that are in packs are very dangerous because they develop the pack mentality. This is common in rural areas where people often abandon their dogs. In one area where I used to live, it was not uncommon for people to carry guns to shoot the dogs that would attack their livestock.

    • Allanes gave a pretty good answer. But here' s my take on it:(1) Attacking dogs range in skill and expertise, just like people who fight. Dogs are natural predators and use speed and ferocity to exploit vulnerabilities, such as limbs. The more trained or experienced the dog is in attacking people, the more effectively it uses its natural strengths. Police dogs are trained to bite and hold the arms and hands where people hold weapons, and to bite legs to cause a person to trip and fall, and then in hold them down. They are trained to subdue, not injure or kill. But all dogs use their speed, strength, and aggressiveness, along with the pain from biting to overwhelm and panic their prey.(2) People are generally not trained to resist or counter dog attacks, therefore they panic and make bad moves that the dog naturally exploits. A friend of mine kicked an attacking German Shepherd in the jaw when it was lunging to bite. He was wearing a heavy army type boot and possibly broke the dog's jaw. The dog broke off the attack and retreated. It was a lucky kick as an animal's reactions are usually much faster than a human's. If a person were trained to resist or counter the dog attack, they may well be able to succeed, but most of us aren't.Finally, about punching an attacking dog. Predatory animals are more energized when their prey struggles or fights because once they attack, they are intently focused. This is why it is so hard to pull two fighting dogs apart, even small ones. They're all snapping teeth and claws when they're fighting. Dogs are very vulnerable in the underbelly though. A hard knee or kick to the belly often winds them. Twisting ears, gouging eyes, and hard hits to the nose tip are often effective.

    • Have you ever been attacked by a dog ?? I don't think you have.Having a large, strong dog latched onto your arm is one of the scariest things you can encounter. Some dogs just will not let go when in attack mode. They turn psycho and can't be stopped.

    • Well attacking dogs are usually big and "built" (very athletic and such)When a BIG/built dog attacks you, they usually go for the easy targets - as someone has said, the arms and legs.the things that protect you most of the time, and knock you off balance. Also the dog is usually latched onto one of your body parts with its extra strong and sharp teeth.. so yeah sure u can understand the rest :)

    • Because the bite pressure of a dog is a great one, even the largest man cannot take the bite pressure of a dog, it weakens a person to take the bite of a dog, it cuts into the tendons and nerves and takes the strength out of a person to fight back.Whether the dog has been trained to fight or not, they can take down any size of human in a few bites, and most dogs will hit the juggler veins and that takes the power out of anyone, the blood begins to gush out, you lose your will and power to fight, when you see all your blood flowing out, and then your gone.If the dog this the biceps of an adult, it cuts right thrown and no more use of the arms, the dogs seem to know where to bite, fighter or not, a dog will and can take the biggest person down in no time flat.