A serious (detailed) question about my dog?

My dog has a Lipoma I want to See how much money it cost. He is a german Shepard/border collie, don't know age (I say from adult on to elder), no insurance, on his back (kinda on top of the leg),and no signs of pain. Please help!!!!

    A serious (detailed) question about my dog?

    My dog has a Lipoma I want to See how much money it cost. He is a german Shepard/border collie, don't know age (I say from adult on to elder), no insurance, on his back (kinda on top of the leg),and no signs of pain. Please help!!!!...
    General Dog Discussions : A serious (detailed) question about my dog?...

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    • A serious (detailed) question about my dog?

      A serious (detailed) question about my dog? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has a Lipoma I want to See how much money it cost. He is a german Shepard/border collie, don't know age (I say from adult on to elder), no insurance, on his back (kinda on top of the leg),and no signs of pain. Please help!!!!

      A serious (detailed) question about my dog?

      A serious (detailed) question about my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Lipomas do not need to be removed. They are not cancer rather just fatty tissue under the skin. Many dogs get them but there is no reason to renove them. Unless your vet feels as though it is something else there is no reason to worry.

    • Call your vet and ask for a quote. Small lipomas do not need to be removed. Large lipomas or those that interfere with movement should be removed if your vet advises. Some lipomas will shrink if on an overweight dog by reducing the weight.

    • I agree with the other posters, however I do question how you know for sure it is a Lipoma? Have you been to the vet to confirm this? Elderly dogs get them and it is not uncommon, but there are times where it does need to be removed. For example if it is in a location that the dog tends to lay on ie: hips, chest area, elbows it can become enlarged due to pressure and constant laying on it and become uncomfortable for them. Due to age I would be inclined to get it checked out by a vet and you can talk to them in regards to diagnosis and details. Sadly i have dealt with owners who thought for long periods it was a Lipoma and turned out to be a tumor and in that case should be biopsied. Best of luck!

    • Why don't you ask the vet who diagnosed it? DETAILED? NOT! We cannot see it, we are not vets, and we are not qualified to answer your question. Certainly your ShepHERD has been seen by the vet for an evaluation of the problem