How do i calm my dog down in the car?

When travelling in the car, my partner has to sit with our dog to keep it calm. Otherwise he'll jump about and whimper. Our dog will not sit on it's own or in the back on it's own. Can anyone help or give any tips?

    How do i calm my dog down in the car?

    When travelling in the car, my partner has to sit with our dog to keep it calm. Otherwise he'll jump about and whimper. Our dog will not sit on it's own or in the back on it's own. Can anyone help or give any tips?...
    General Dog Discussions : How do i calm my dog down in the car?...

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    • How do i calm my dog down in the car?

      How do i calm my dog down in the car? General Dog Discussions
      When travelling in the car, my partner has to sit with our dog to keep it calm. Otherwise he'll jump about and whimper. Our dog will not sit on it's own or in the back on it's own. Can anyone help or give any tips?

      How do i calm my dog down in the car?

      How do i calm my dog down in the car? General Dog Discussions
    • Benedryl and Dramamine (the drowsy kind!) will often work wonders. A little bit of sleepyness will help your dog ride more smoothly. Talk to your vet about proper dosing.

    • Probably the dog is very excited and happy to go for a car ride.(mine loves it), the more times you take it the more normal it will become to him and he will call down. Right now a car ride to him is just extra exciting so he acts extra excited.

    • I had the same problem with my two dogs. We got them doggie car seats which attaches to them. they didn't like it at first, but got used to it and have calmed down. They also like the fact the the car seats put them up higher so they can see out the window. You can buy them at: just do a yahoo search and you can find them for specific breeds.

    • There are actually dog seat belts you can buy that keep them is a sitting position and strapped in. It's safer for them and you! Then you can roll down the window down for him and he can enjoy the wind, etc. without annoying everybody! You can probably even buy them online, or just go to your local pet supply store.

    • I take my dog everywhere, he goes to work with me everyday so he is in the car a lot!! I bought a seat belt for him. He was the same way in my SUV, running from the back to the front, jumping on me while I was trying to drive, he got scared one time so he literally ran under my legs on the driver side while I was driving and then one time he actually jumped out the window while I was driving. It was a miracle he was not hurt. I bought the seat belt - he didn't like it at first but now I think he really likes it. I think it makes him feel more secure and so now when we drive, he generally will curl up and take a nap. He knows it's senseless to try anything else. It still allows him to put his head out the window if he wants, but now I can concentrate on driving instead of worrying about him. It was only like $10 - cheaper than thousands of dollars in vet bills plus pain in addition to anguish for you. ALSO - if I have someone in the car with me, he is seat-belted in the back seat and can't jump all over them! They are very appreciative.