Anyone know how to get rid of dog wee smells from your home?

Does anyone know how to get the smell of dog wee from the home. My baby Lab wee's on paper but it soaks onto the tiles during the night and the house is smelling really bad, any suggestions?

    Anyone know how to get rid of dog wee smells from your home?

    Does anyone know how to get the smell of dog wee from the home. My baby Lab wee's on paper but it soaks onto the tiles during the night and the house is smelling really bad, any suggestions?...
    General Dog Discussions : Anyone know how to get rid of dog wee smells from your home?...

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    • Anyone know how to get rid of dog wee smells from your home?

      Anyone know how to get rid of dog wee smells from your home? General Dog Discussions
      Does anyone know how to get the smell of dog wee from the home. My baby Lab wee's on paper but it soaks onto the tiles during the night and the house is smelling really bad, any suggestions?

      Anyone know how to get rid of dog wee smells from your home?

      Anyone know how to get rid of dog wee smells from your home? General Dog Discussions
    • Your local pet store will have products designed to overcome this.I woulfdalso suggest using bleach on the affected area (test the grout first to make sure it is not damaged), Leave on for 10 minutes then mop off. Ensure you pup is not around.Why not get a tray and put the paper on top then you can thoroughly wash the tray as often as required?

    • Put dogs out frequently, especially puppies. I know it can be tiresome but you will save yourself a lot of time and effort. Remember, every time the puppy eats, sleeps or plays it’s gonna have to go outside. Also give the dog/puppy lots and lots of praise for doing it’s business where it’s supposed to.Be stern and consistent. It’s confusing for a dog if it only gets scolded sometimes for peeing on the floor. The lesson will be learned much faster if the pooch is scolded for every mess you find. Just don’t forget to give Poochy some lovin’ after about 15 minutes or so after the scolding.If you can’t be with the dog, keep it on hard floors. For many people, this means barring the pooch in the kitchen or foyer with a baby gate. Wee-Wee Pads should also be left with the dog. These are small absorbant mats made with an attractant that dogs like to whizz on.Find the dog urine with a black light. Many pet stores and online vendors carry hand held black lights for just this purpose. Just turn out the lights and systematically search for the bright glow of urine. After all, cleaning dog urine is much harder if you can’t find it.Recipe for dog urine remover. If you’ve got the time and the patience, you can easily make your own dog urine cleaner. This method is not only good for removing dog urine, but also for getting rid of dog urine stains. First blot up as much of the urine as possible. Then mix 3 parts water to one part vinegar and saturate the spot. Next, blot it all up again. After it’s dried sprinkle the area with baking soda. Next stir ¾ cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide up with one tsp. dish detergent and drizzle over the baking soda. To make sure the hydrogen peroxide won’t discolor your carpet, first try this concoction on a small inconspicuous area. Next, use your fingers or an old brush to work the baking soda in. I recommend a hairbrush with little bits of plastic over the tips. Once it’s dry, vacuum it up. If there’s still a slight odor or a little bit of the stain left when done repeat the process.Dog Urine Cleaning ProductsIt’s sad, but life has become more involved than hanging with friends, chasing girls and trying to find someone to buy beer for me. This means I usually don’t get to go through the lengthy (yet highly effective) processes of home remedies for serious dog urine scrubbing. These days I frequently choose to clean dog urine with a good enzymatic cleaner such as Nature’s Miracle, Simple Solution, Capture Pet Stain and Odor Neutralizer or Complete Pet Stain and Odor Remover by 8in1. As with any good dog urine cleaning product, these will actually break down the stains and odor causing molecules instead of just masking the odor like so many of the cheaper sprays. These products also employ bacteria producing agents that continue to work until the dog pee smell is completely gone. Better yet, they’re ridiculously easy to find. Any pet store, online or otherwise, will carry some or all of the ones I suggested. And remember above all else, while you’re using your new dog urine odor remover, you must shout: "Out, damn'd spot! Out, I say!"

    • Yes, there is a product called Nature Miracle it works and it takes the smell out totally from your floor and carpet etc here is the website can find it in many pet stores so you don't have to order from the website.

    • Haha , I had the exact same problem , dont go buying anything from the vet's it costs way to much . I use GLEN 20 it smells like ginger bread :) and its also a disinfectant , so it will help train your dog !! You can get GLEN 20 from your local supermarkets . Hope this helped :) xxEDIT Also the pet shops are a big rip off.

    • biological washing powder and really hot water, the biological washing powder breaks down the enzymes and its cheaper alternative to the products from the pet shop, and it smells nice too, i use this as i have a naughty boy who likes to occasionally mark his territory, it works well and stops him going back to that place

    • I use Nature's Miracle. However, if it's in your tiles you might need something a little more powerful. Steam cleaning it might work. Another suggestion for training would be a Porch Potty. It's made out of synthetic grass, you won't have to worry about it ever getting on your floor again. http://www.naturemakesitwork.com