What is the worst damage your dog has done to your home/car?

This question was prompted after my pictured dog tore all my screens to shreds.How about yours what is the worst it has done?

    What is the worst damage your dog has done to your home/car?

    This question was prompted after my pictured dog tore all my screens to shreds.How about yours what is the worst it has done?...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the worst damage your dog has done to your home/car?...

    • What is the worst damage your dog has done to your home/car?

      What is the worst damage your dog has done to your home/car? General Dog Discussions
      This question was prompted after my pictured dog tore all my screens to shreds.How about yours what is the worst it has done?

      What is the worst damage your dog has done to your home/car?

      What is the worst damage your dog has done to your home/car? General Dog Discussions
    • HAH! My ten month old Aussie ate a good portion of the dashboard out of my truck. The vinyl and foam gone, it looked as if Cookie Monster had been around...

    • We have had one dog blast through a screen door and another we were trying to adopt that literally destroyed a dog run made of wood fence - over $1,000 damage. It even tore through the sheet metal we attached to the gate.All things considered, though, I've heard worse. I know of one dog that ate through the drywall in a wall, another that destroyed an entire sofa and one that jumped through a plate glass window to try and get to a female in heat ( a good case for neutering).Oh then there was the friend of ours with a brand new kitchen that had their 6 lb. miniature dachshund chew all of the kitchen cabinetry.

    • the worst my current dog has ever destroyed was a paper towel that he dug out of the trash.I did have a dog who tore up both front seats, and the inside door panels, and chewed up the seatbelts on our 95 beretta

    • I have been lucky my dogs haven't destroyed anything in my house (knock on wood). the only thing they like to destroy are socks. but when I was younger we had a great Pyrenees that ate the inside of my parents car!. I mean almost everything!

    • okay..........a few years ago, I was in a hurry to get home, but I had to stop at the market before I went home. I was ONLY going to be in the store for 5 minutes....I left my SUV running, A/C on, doors locked. Remote with me.......I ran in to the store, grabbed a bag of unprocessed sugar, checked out, went outside to see SEVERAL folks standing around my vehicle.....I was no to far away, and as I approached........the inside of my Mercedes Benz ML430.....were my 2 Dalmatians were.......all you could see were them moving around the seats cushions....leather and all....gone.....gone in less then 10 minutes.....they ripped through both front and the whole rear seats!!! It was awful........and so there goes the Whole Food trip that cost $5000.00........ :- )

    • Well I haven't had any damage done to the actual house, but I had a Springer Spaniel who would eat entire sticks of butter left on the counter. once she at an entire batch of rich cocolate truffles! but thats not the worst. This spring My dad left out a bucket of rat poison-2 pounds, unopened. I have no idea why we had so much in the first place, and she ate the entire thing, except for a bit she "kindly" shared with my moms dog. We discovered this a WEEK later, and the next night was spent in the doggy ER. She bled into her lungs and knees, and probably had brain damage. Suprisingly, we thought she pulled through, until she died a few months later.The worst thing in the house was done by my mom's dog. He had an accident in the house and in the middle of the night my mom stepped right in it! We have(well, had) white carpeting.

    • My sons border collie/mix learned to open the freezer and he ate everything in it, even the green beans. There was butcher paper, Elk pieces, plastic,ice cream all over the house. They had to put a really strong baby lock on the freezer. The cheap kind didn't work and he got into the freezer again the next day.

    • First I had a mix we adopted chew a hole through my house... honestly - she was outside just doing her thing and I guess every time she would chew a bit more and a bit more (she was a house dog but while she was out playing or doing her business) - finally one day I looked down and under the kitchen table next to the stove was her head! She had chewed through the exterior of the house - a sort of tile plating that was on the houses at that time - through the sheetrock, some chunks out ofthe 2x4s and there she was!I also had a dog that I took out to schutzhund training for the first time - he usually was fine loose in the van and even though I had a crate available, I left him loose with windows cracked - after he was on the field for a session I put him back in the van - a little while later one of the other members of the club came to me and said he heard the distinct sound of upholstery riping and sure enough, he had totally eliminated all of the upholstery along the side panels of the van and on the back seat!Miss Sid, the dog in my avatar, the only time she has ever in her 8 years done anything wrong was when she was about five months old, I left her in the front room where I had just bought one of those very pricey, heavy duty fouton mattresses for the fouton so the dogs would be comfy - she chewed a huge hole it on both sides (so I couldn't just 'flip' it and hide the holes!). I had splurged what little money I had at the time so that I could get rid of the awful, flat, hard mattress that was on it and got this wonderful, comfortable one and she ruined it :( I was so sad about it I actually cried... she never has done another wrong thing in her life...