When cats have intestinal worms do you actually see them in their stools?

My sister has a 5-6 mo. old kitten who eats normally but is skinny compared to his brother and be poops normally, so was wondering if he were to have intestinal worms if you would be able to sew them his stool?

    When cats have intestinal worms do you actually see them in their stools?

    My sister has a 5-6 mo. old kitten who eats normally but is skinny compared to his brother and be poops normally, so was wondering if he were to have intestinal worms if you would be able to sew them his stool?...
    General Dog Discussions : When cats have intestinal worms do you actually see them in their stools?...

    • When cats have intestinal worms do you actually see them in their stools?

      When cats have intestinal worms do you actually see them in their stools? General Dog Discussions
      My sister has a 5-6 mo. old kitten who eats normally but is skinny compared to his brother and be poops normally, so was wondering if he were to have intestinal worms if you would be able to sew them his stool?

      When cats have intestinal worms do you actually see them in their stools?

      When cats have intestinal worms do you actually see them in their stools? General Dog Discussions
    • Take the cat to the vet. The vet Assistant can get an example of the poop of the dog, and examine it in the microscope. In the microscope it shows if it has worms in its stomach. But you need to bring fresh poop, or ask the vet when can you show them the poop. I know, it cost to take to the vet, but if you really want your pet to be safe, you need to make sure its safe by taking it to the vet.