How do I stop my dog from peeing on my bed?

I work 10hrs per day. My apartment is studio style so I cant just close my bedroom door. I dog uses puppy pads during the day. But if I go down stairs to do laundry or have to go somewhere for 30min or less she will pee in my bed. I have tried the…

    How do I stop my dog from peeing on my bed?

    I work 10hrs per day. My apartment is studio style so I cant just close my bedroom door. I dog uses puppy pads during the day. But if I go down stairs to do laundry or have to go somewhere for 30min or less she will pee in my bed. I have tried the…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I stop my dog from peeing on my bed?...

    • How do I stop my dog from peeing on my bed?

      How do I stop my dog from peeing on my bed? General Dog Discussions
      I work 10hrs per day. My apartment is studio style so I cant just close my bedroom door. I dog uses puppy pads during the day. But if I go down stairs to do laundry or have to go somewhere for 30min or less she will pee in my bed. I have tried the recommended size kennel but she will pee in it too. I need Help.No my dog is not put in her kennel for 10 hrs a day while I work! Yes I am a busy person but I got some pretty rude remarks, my dog is happy and I love her very much. We go on walks in the evenings and try to go to the dog park every week. I am sorry if anyone was confused. I am just having trouble keeping her from peeing in my bed. I would appreciate it if other members would stop reading more into the question. (everyone else thanks for the answers)

      How do I stop my dog from peeing on my bed?

      How do I stop my dog from peeing on my bed? General Dog Discussions
    • My puppy also does this for attention, though my dog can't jump on the bed himself yet, so It's not hard for me to avoid. Also, if i am going to be gone and he cant come along, i leave him in a very large crate or to roam the bathroom. Better she has an accident in a kennel than on a carpeted floor or bed.

    • First of all, why get a dog if you are gone ten hours a day. That is not fair to your dog to be crated all day. Second, you are not home enough to take it out for potty breaks. How would you like it if you had to hold it for ten hours. PS Puppy training pads are shit, all they do is teach your dog to go to the bathroom in the house. I would suggest having someone come over and walk the dog (lots of praise for going outside) or else find it another home.

    • If it's a behavior issue, you can get a little larger kennel & put a puppy pad in there. Or I've used the pants you can put on them when they are in heat w/ a pad in it. Our 1 pup would wait until the middle of the night & pee on our bed at my husband's feet. After she had to wear the pants for about a week (only at night & always with a dry pad in it) & feel how it was to sit on something wet, she stopped & hasn't done it again & that was 1 1/2 yrs ago. If it continues, you probably should have the vet check her out. You didn't say how old she was so it could be bladder or urinary tract infections, getting ready to go into heat (you didn't say whether she was spayed) or diabetes or thyroid. Hope some of these ideas help.

    • peeing on a bed is a respect and dominance issue. she probably doesn't feel you are the pack leader and therefore thinks she can get away with it. you need to take her out more so she has a scheduled time for peeing. i take my dog everyday down at 7am, then at 4pm, then at 9pm because i have school

    • Why, why WHY do people who live in tiny flats and work long hours have dogs or any animal bigger than a flea? This is animal cruelty. I hope someone reports you for neglect.

    • spray something nasty on like a household item that ur dog doesn't like the smell of or close the door of ur bedroom, or u can put ur dog in a play pen for dogs.