How to stop My dog chasing me on my pushbike and motorbike?

My dog chases me when i am riding my pushbike, motorbike and car. i have been told they do it because they are board but he isn't because he has a big run every day

    How to stop My dog chasing me on my pushbike and motorbike?

    My dog chases me when i am riding my pushbike, motorbike and car. i have been told they do it because they are board but he isn't because he has a big run every day...
    General Dog Discussions : How to stop My dog chasing me on my pushbike and motorbike?...

    • How to stop My dog chasing me on my pushbike and motorbike?

      How to stop My dog chasing me on my pushbike and motorbike? General Dog Discussions
      My dog chases me when i am riding my pushbike, motorbike and car. i have been told they do it because they are board but he isn't because he has a big run every day

      How to stop My dog chasing me on my pushbike and motorbike?

      How to stop My dog chasing me on my pushbike and motorbike? General Dog Discussions
    • well take him on a run everyday and a walk every morning :] and instead of leaving him befind on ur bike just take his leash and ride slowely or medium speed right beside him on the sidewalk.Ans as for ur car...thats dangerous! what if one day u don't see him.You could run him over! so i suggest when ur about to leave that his leash is tied up somewhere no were near the road or ur car.To where he can't reach ur car at all.Also just keep him inside while ur gone cause u wouldn't want anyone to steel ur dog or u wouldn't want ur dog gettin into fights with other dogs :[ well good luck bye!

    • Obviously he should be inside a fenced yard or house, then he wouldn't be in the road to cause an accident or get killed. Most dogs will chase things, he can be trained but no dog should be off leash on or near a road.