How often do you have to get your dogs vaccinated for rabies?

I have called many vets and they say that rabies booster is every 3 years. My vet says every 2 years. Do they even have a 2 year vaccine or is my vet wrong and trying to take me for a ride?That's exactly what I thought! It's every 3 years. I just…

    How often do you have to get your dogs vaccinated for rabies?

    I have called many vets and they say that rabies booster is every 3 years. My vet says every 2 years. Do they even have a 2 year vaccine or is my vet wrong and trying to take me for a ride?That's exactly what I thought! It's every 3 years. I just…...
    General Dog Discussions : How often do you have to get your dogs vaccinated for rabies?...

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    • My city requires a rabies vaccination every year, however my vet and my dogs breeder recommend doing the vaccine only every three years. The rabies vaccine is very powerful and can drain an animal for several days after it has been administered. It is also works for many years, not just one or three. Right now, there is research going into just how long the vaccine is active in dogs to determine what kind of regimin dogs should be on. There is also a blood test available from your vet that can test if your dog's vaccine is still working or if another needs to be administered. Results from this test can be presented to my city so that he doesn't need to be given a rabies vaccine annually to be licensed if the vaccine is still active.Please help stop the over vaccination of our pets.

    • It depends on your local laws.In my state, rabies vaccines can be given as a one year inoculation or a three year inoculation; however, there are some places that do not accept three year vaccines. On the other hand, my state does not accept two year vaccines and other places do.If I were you, I'd contact DHEC to find out for sure.

    • There are two kinds of rabies vaccine now - the annual and a 3 year.Florida allows the 3 year, but not every state does, so, if you travel with your dog where vaccinations will be looked at (RV resort in some populated areas, etc.) you will be better doing the annual. If not, the 3 year is fine.

    • When I took my dog in they put the expired date right on the vaccine paper. It says good for 1 year. I thought it was odd I thought they last for a couple. I wonder if there are different types. I bet some may last longer than others. I would call your vet and see if there are different types of rabies shots. If so he probably is telling the truth. I would go off of what they told you.

    • Don't make hasty assumptions here. While it is true that there is a 3 year vaccine, it cannot be safely given to dogs who are less than 2 years of age. Puppies are given a 1 year vaccine for their first rabies shot. Then the following year, the dog may be given a 3 year vaccine if it has no history of allergies or poor health--otherwise a careful vet will give another 1 year vaccine and then begin using the 3 year vaccine after that. Yes, there is a 2 year vaccine but the 3 year is more commonly used. However, you must also realize that the 3 year vaccine does not mean a 3 year license with animal control. In most communities even when you give the 3 year vaccine, you register the dog annually with the county for its tags.Just remember that the age and health of the dog does make a difference as to the dose of the vaccine (1, 2, or 3). Also remember that no matter which vaccine is used, your county still requires annual licensing for tags. If you get annual rabies vaccines, the tags are given at the same time--otherwise you will need to visit your vet or the county to renew the license yearly even though you will not be getting a rabies shot because the dog has had a multi year vaccine.

    • When your pup is 3 months old it can have it first rabie shot, which will only be good for one year. After that your pet will need to have its rabie shot every 3 yrs. You may need to ask though, most are 3 yr vaccines. There are some vets that use the 2 year vaccine. We have one in the next town over that uses 2 yr and 3 yr.

    • My dogs have to have it every three years with a booster in between. Yes, some towns say every two years so it may be up to the town and not the vet. Do a search and make sure it is safe to do it so often, and if not, bring that information to the vet and the town.

    • I would say it depends on where you live.Here where i live it's every 3yrs.It's all according to the law,so your vet can't rip you off.Check with your dog pound or humane society.

    • The UK is a rabies free country so we only have to vaccinate our pets if we are travelling to foreign country's, or if animals are entering our country from abroad they have to enter strict quarantine for six months .