Would my dog dragging his rear on the ground be a symptom of worms?

Someone mentioned that as a being a symptom and I was wondering whether to bring him to the vet.

    Would my dog dragging his rear on the ground be a symptom of worms?

    Someone mentioned that as a being a symptom and I was wondering whether to bring him to the vet....
    General Dog Discussions : Would my dog dragging his rear on the ground be a symptom of worms?...

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    • Would my dog dragging his rear on the ground be a symptom of worms?

      Would my dog dragging his rear on the ground be a symptom of worms? General Dog Discussions
      Someone mentioned that as a being a symptom and I was wondering whether to bring him to the vet.

      Would my dog dragging his rear on the ground be a symptom of worms?

      Would my dog dragging his rear on the ground be a symptom of worms? General Dog Discussions
    • I dont know very much about this, but most dogs do drag their rears on the ground. It might itch, or it might just be for the sheer pleasure of it. If he does it too much though, you might wanna take him to the vet.

    • Most likely his anal glands need to be expressed, but that's not the only reason dogs might drag-butt (or butt scoot)...either way, a trip to the vet would be in order (or if you have a dog groomer, they can often express those glands)...

    • i've heard that too, but in my experience it's either just an itchy bum, or the dog needs to have it's anal glands treated (as fluids can build up / they can become infected) if your dog gets groomed regularly, the groomer*should* take care of this. if your dog just does this on occasion, don't worry about it. if he becomes noticeably obsessive about his bum, then you should take a trip to the vet'sgood luck :)

    • sometimes, has he been on worm meds? if not then i would go to your vet anyway...it could also be a symptom that his/her anal sacs have become impacted, is he/she small? it is common in small dogs and are indicated in licking or biting the rear, and draging his rear, if it were that you would need to look it up or see your vet

    • Probably not. Worm symptoms would be vomiting, bloated belly, diarrhea. If you have been using heartworm pills (hope so) then the likelihood of worms is low anyway. Dogs have two small glands on either side of the anal opening that produce a scented material that is usually deposited onto the stool during a bowel movement. These glands are like scent glands a skunk would have, and the purpose is to mark with their personal scent. It is not a necessary thing in this day and age, when our dogs are living with us at home; however, they still are there. For some reason, all dogs don't do this naturally nor easily. There are lots of theories about why this is true.I bet it's his anal glands that are needing to be expressed. Yes, either way take him to the vet tomorrow, and bring a stool sample with you. All they need is 1 gram.They will check the sample for any parasites and can check the glands as well. Extreme cases of anal gland issues will cause an infection, which can be extremely painful and become an involved treatment, such as sedation, with anal gland flush and pack with antibiotics.Anytime your dog "scoots" he/she needs to be checked out. If it's an ongoing problem, your vet can actually show you how to express the glands. Don't try it without knowing what you are doing, though.