What cute things does you dog or other pet do ?

My dog just jumped up on the bed for a cuddle like she does every night. She puts her head on my pillow and cuddles into me, she will lay there for hours....She is so cutePlease share your cute dog stories!

    What cute things does you dog or other pet do ?

    My dog just jumped up on the bed for a cuddle like she does every night. She puts her head on my pillow and cuddles into me, she will lay there for hours....She is so cutePlease share your cute dog stories!...
    General Dog Discussions : What cute things does you dog or other pet do ?...

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    • What cute things does you dog or other pet do ?

      What cute things does you dog or other pet do ? General Dog Discussions
      My dog just jumped up on the bed for a cuddle like she does every night. She puts her head on my pillow and cuddles into me, she will lay there for hours....She is so cutePlease share your cute dog stories!

      What cute things does you dog or other pet do ?

      What cute things does you dog or other pet do ? General Dog Discussions
    • Not so much cute but the "Hey mom I'm a teenager now!" stage my 7mo pup is in. He had bad gas for a week and he'd jump up onto the couch or bed wherever you were, fart in your face and then run off. My cat totally does what your dog does.

    • I don't have a dog but my hamsters are really cute when it's hot in my room. They climb up the bars of their cages and fall asleep whilst hanging from the bars. If you make a sudden sound they have a habit of waking up and falling off.....It looks cuter than it sounds probably.

    • I have a Gordon Setter who thinks he is a person. Every night around 9 he jumps into bed and waits for us. When he falls asleep he lays next to my hubby and stretches out with his head on my hubbies arm. It's so cute although not very practical, because he is so big.

    • well, every time my dog sees me getting ready to go out she runs around in circles and looks at me with her big eyes then as were about to leave she turns over onto her back for a belly rub..so cute

    • We did dog training with our dog and practiced the sit-down-sit-down-stay a lot. Sometimes when we ask her to just sit for a treat, she does the whole series of commands! She's so funny!

    • With one of my dogs, when I would playfully swat at her she'd playfully swat back with her front paws. She'd keep doing it as long as I would.. She also was extreeemely cute when she'd play with toys, because she'd throw them wayyy up into the air and as soon as they'd land, she'd run and pounce on them. She looked like a fox or something.My second dog, is very cuddly, and when I sit on the floor and call him over, he walks up and while still standing(he's a huge dog, 80lbs and really tall) he sets the top of his muzzle onto my leg by tucking his face downward. Then he sloowwwly eases down next to me as I pet him, some times right onto my lap! Also when I'm on my laptop, he'll come up while I'm typing and set his head on my hands or keyboard, and look up at me with BIIIIIG puppy dog eyes...lol that last one can be kind of annoying though. :PMy third dog has a funny habit of not liking people taking naps. She gets all hyper and runs and licks them in the face. As soon as the person moves or looks at her, she'll howl happily in their face. :D That one's really funny! It's so cute, I can't get mad at her when she does that. She also has this amazing ability to jump up when she's really hyper and lick my face without touching me with her paws. Most big dogs(she's a golden mix) will just about disembowel you when they jump up, but she doesn't even touch me, except for her nose.I love my dogs!