what your biggest pet peeve in the dog category?

mine is when people call mixed breed dogs "hybrids" because hybrid is a combination of two or more species not breeds.i have many more but thats what bugging me today, what about you?

    what your biggest pet peeve in the dog category?

    mine is when people call mixed breed dogs "hybrids" because hybrid is a combination of two or more species not breeds.i have many more but thats what bugging me today, what about you?...
    General Dog Discussions : what your biggest pet peeve in the dog category?...

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    • what your biggest pet peeve in the dog category?

      what your biggest pet peeve in the dog category? General Dog Discussions
      mine is when people call mixed breed dogs "hybrids" because hybrid is a combination of two or more species not breeds.i have many more but thats what bugging me today, what about you?

      what your biggest pet peeve in the dog category?

      what your biggest pet peeve in the dog category? General Dog Discussions
    • When people breed mixed breed dogs for the sake of the dog "experiencing motherhood" or "so the kids can experience the miracle of life". Oh please. Let them watch Animal Planet or the Discovery Channel. And stop overpopulating this country with dogs that will only end up in animal shelters!SPAY OR NEUTER YOUR PETS! PLEASE!!!*sigh* Okay, I'm done ranting.

    • Mine is ppl who walk their dog thru my yard and leave the dog droppings right there in the open or sometimes the kids might step in it and uggghhhh that is something i hate cleaning off. I dont have a problem with it that much tho just wish some ppl had the common courteous with their pet.

    • TrollsPeople that you try to give honest advise to and they get mad because it wasn't what they wanted to hear. People that pretend to be VetsPeople that go right ahead and march into pets stores or buy directly from puppy mills and pay a fortune for a designer mutt or over priced poorly bred pure bred AFTER 50 people in here give them all of the facts and beg them to reconsider. Here is a start. I might even add more later.~Tyed~OH.. I ALMOST FORGOT ONE OF MY BIGGEST:People that are sitting at computers with Internet access crying that their dog is dying a horrible drawn out agonizing death claiming that they can not afford to take it to a vet and are not intelligent enough to call around until they can find one that they can work out a payment plan with etc!

    • Ignorance! People ask us here to cure their dogs or diagnose their dogs! I'm sorry but my Chrystal ball is broken! People wanting their opinion justified! Even if it is not only wrong but I would consider it animal abuse! Fake Vet Techs & Vets!ADD: people who give really bad whelping advice! That one burns me!OOOhhhh! lately I've noticed some people from different catigories here giving really bad advice! They are TC's too from like Electronics. One from Gaming and one from pregnancy! And one from Spirt & folk lore! lol

    • Pet peeves in this section:* Designer dog breed names (Especially when they insist it's a real breed)* Teacups* Miniatures of breeds that don't come in minis* "I don't have enough money to take my dog to the vet"* "I don't have enough money for a dog trainer"* "Pit bulls are mean!"* People trying to breed who shouldn't breed* People who won't accept the good, helpful advice given to them because they don't like the truth.I'm sure I could add more, but I suppose that's good enough.Swamp Poodles: It's post like your's that make me wish I could give more than a single tumbs up per post...

    • I have a new pet peeve everyday, but today it has been when people who have no clue at all answer a question incorrectly and then thumbs down the only person that knows what they are talking about! It seems that lately more and more people here don't have any knowledge at all about dogs and answer with old wive's tales or just made up crap! Where are all the real dog people???