Is it possible to euthanize a dog, using sleeping pills sold for human use?

My old dog is suffering, not eating and has lost a lot of weight.She is breathing heavily and can't get up without help.I would much prefer to have her go to sleep at home with the family at her side. She is terrified of the vet's office, and I hateto…

    Is it possible to euthanize a dog, using sleeping pills sold for human use?

    My old dog is suffering, not eating and has lost a lot of weight.She is breathing heavily and can't get up without help.I would much prefer to have her go to sleep at home with the family at her side. She is terrified of the vet's office, and I hateto…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it possible to euthanize a dog, using sleeping pills sold for human use?...

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    • Is it possible to euthanize a dog, using sleeping pills sold for human use?

      Is it possible to euthanize a dog, using sleeping pills sold for human use? General Dog Discussions
      My old dog is suffering, not eating and has lost a lot of weight.She is breathing heavily and can't get up without help.I would much prefer to have her go to sleep at home with the family at her side. She is terrified of the vet's office, and I hateto have her last moments be full of stress.Has anyone tried sleeping pills to euthanize a pet?

      Is it possible to euthanize a dog, using sleeping pills sold for human use?

      Is it possible to euthanize a dog, using sleeping pills sold for human use? General Dog Discussions
    • that is very creul, letting her suffer is cruel. see if the vet will put her down in your home. don't make her od. it don't feel good to ppl, it won't feel good to the dog. be humane, please, i had to put down my first dog last year, i know it hurts. if you need somebody to talk to e-mail me.

    • So find a vet that does house calls. Seriously, you are a fool for even contemplating trying that. The drugs are not designed for working in dogs, they will probab;y end up causing the dog to suffer and they more than likely wont kill her. There are plenty of vets that will do house calls, call around and find one. Do NOT attempt to do this at home, she will suffer.

    • The vet can come to your home and euthanize the dog easy with the correct medicine. She won't be stressed because the serum they use relaxes them and they let go easy. Sleeping pills could cause something to go wrong leaving your dog in more pain and then eventually dieing. Do it right.

    • Please Do Not Do this!!! Call your veterinarian and ask if they do house calls. At the vet clinic where I work, we do house calls, especially for euthanasias, because it can be stressful on both the dog and the family to bring the dog to the office to have it done. First call your vet and ask them if they can please come to your house. Or try calling around to other vets to find one who will do a house call.

    • No, I don't think it's possible. Even if it is, that's a disgusting way to put a dog to sleep. What would happen if those pills caused a slow, agonizing death?I'm sure your vet would come to your house and put her to sleep for you. There are vets who do that. Please don't try putting her to sleep yourself. Contact your vet and ask if they'll come out to your home and put her to sleep.

    • find a vet that does house calls, and have her put down gently in the comfort of her own home, surrounded by those she loves. if you get the pill thing wrong, you'll probably just put her in more pain that she already is.

    • First of all, I commend your loyalty to your dog. I would not try human sleeping pills on your dog. You could be doing more harm. Many vets will come to your home to euthanize. You should make some phone calls. Personally, I would not try to do it yourself. Especially if you don't do it right, you could add alot of sufering to your pet. My symathies are with you.

    • Seeing as you are level 1 and this is your first post I'm putting this down to trolling. Just in case this is legit NO you don;t do this! You take them to the vet or have the vet come to you and euthanize them properly.

    • My heart goes out to you. I have been in a similiar siuation with my dog. However,I don't think you should do this on your own though. Your not a vet or a vet tech. Please take her to the veternarian you, and the rest of the family can be there and say your goodbyes if you request you can be there and hold her in your arms while she dies. It's hard and heartbreaking,I know because my cat died in my arms, but at least you are comforted in the knoweldge that you were there for her when she needed you the most.

    • Tried them to euthanize myself once, but that's a different story. lolSeriously, I would try my hardest to find a vet that could come to your house and do this. I don't know how many pills it would take, but if you were to screw up - your pet could be in worse pain.If you can't find a vet to come to your house, please ask one how to euthanize humanly.

    • Call your vet and ask him to come to your home. Most vets will do this in a circumstance like yours. Please don't do this yourself. Your dog may just get sick and vomit. I understand you not wanting to make your dog scared especially at this point, but you certainly don't want to give her drugs that will make her sick or make her suffer. That's even worse.Please, please, please don't try to do this yourself. Call your vet and get their help. I'm sure they will come to your home to help you. I'm very very sorry this is happening to your dog. You have my deepest sympathy.

    • I don't think it would work,or it would put the dog in a coma and take a long time.What you could do is give her one before you take her to the vet,so she will be very relaxed,and not afraid,or ask your vet for a tranquilizer to give to her before the appointment.I just had one of my dogs put down last month,she was 14 and had kidney failure.I gave her 10 mg. Valium about an hour before the appointment,and she went so peacefully,didn't even make a sound as I held her for the last time. I'm very sorry about your dog.

    • You are taking chances as she could go into violent horrible seizures and you don't want your dog to go through that and you don't want to see it. Many vets will make house calls to perform this procedure.

    • Absolutely not, PLEASE do not try this, it will likely lead tomore suffering on your pets behalf. CALL YOUR VET and let them know what is going on, you might be able to find someone to do a housecall. One last trip to the vet would be far better than having this dog suffer at home. Many human medications do not work the same in dogs as in people and you may end up causing her more stress / suffering. Please consider this,